Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rapping Female Detainees..

Throughout history, capturing, enslaving or rapping the women of the enemies, rivals and/or opponents was a common practice since the dawn of time.. Women are treated as assets of those worriers, target to be seized, destructed or damaged.. Just another military tool in any brutal fight for any cause.. Of course, pretty women were sexually enslaved, announced as mistresses or sold for higher prices.. The luckiest women will be kept relatively honored to breed; particularly if they are healthier, more feminine and/or belong to distinct social ranks.. Women were associates of war, with different loss and gain logarithms.. They knew and lived long time with this fact..!

With evolution, philosophers had called for some measures, to regularize these barbaric actions.. In fact, those measures were never meant for dignifying the women, but the worriers.. They were meant to avoid disturbing the performance of the defending worriers if their women would be hurt by the enveloped rivals.. Men couldn’t accept a woman; who had been molested, rapped or temporarily hidden away from their care.. Men historically had deliberately hide, denounce or ignore these facts.. and probably still do till today..!

So, these brilliant measures or the code of war, were never meant to protect the helpless women.. This would interpret the ancient traditions to bury women along with their dead husbands.. A well known practice in ancient Africa, Asia and some parts of Europe and the Americas.. Also, military historians had never bothered to track violent incidents against women; as been considered as inevitable losses.. Ironically, the violence against women during wars was the root of ethnic evolution as well as behavior disorders; which both are extended to various issues in our modern urban life..!

Rapping women was the most celebrated form to practically announce victory or defeat.. The concept of free exercising of women had traveled to many aspects of human socialization.. In far east, women were presented to the gusts as utmost gesture of hospitality.. It could be the wife, the daughter or the maid.. Almost everywhere among the rulers; women are traded for peace and diplomacy.. Till date the same practice is common among monarchies and dynasties.. Among some African tribes, women are given to elders, witchdoctors and leaders.. Everywhere, women are forcible or volunteer sex-workers.. In modern urban environments, women are harassed in work places, public places, and army units.. Most husbands don’t ask the wives for their consent to make love.. Generally, women have no single control on their own bodies..!

Such a global culture of downgrading women, structures the potential brutality by any man with authority.. Rapping women in detention is notoriously known among law enforcement officers in all underdeveloped countries.. Also, widely spread among politicians and civic officers worldwide.. The rapped women are too humiliated and ashamed to file complaints, nevertheless to speak about their agony.. As much as rapping women was a live-with tradition of the past, people had equally retaliated.. Today, while rapping is never equal, never associated with worriers, and/or never mutually retaliated; it became a deeper psychological disorder of loss situation..!

The concluding fact of today: Rapists are neither worriers nor defenders, but male beasts.. Victims are neither rewards nor associates of war, but females with heavy burdens..!

I’m not sure how authentic this video is, however it only fits the context..

For the common good, I had borrowed the thread of discussion on the S.I case, from facebook page of Alfatih Abdeldaim


  1. الله يحرق البشير و اعوانه

    قطعت قلبي حزنا

    بستغرب لمن القي ناس تدافع عن البشير و اعوانه

    الله يدمر اللي عمل فيكي ذلك

    اه يا بلد

  2.  Certainly verification process is not short, nor the conclusions to be satisfactory.. We kind-hearted people are taking wider steps to catch urbanism and globalization; which would bring kind of crimes and violations never known before.. or at least, never disclosed.. Wrongdoings of security is common worldwide, which requires global protest as well.. Generally, our activists need to change their stereotype actions to be heard, supported and accompanied.. As a forum of intellectuals, we need to lead forward, based on knowledge, consideration and effectiveness.. Hope my contribution would make sense..

  3. Check also this piece with more background information and analysis on the StillSUDAN blog:


  4. عرض شافى للموضوع ، ولمأساة دارفور تداعيات قوية على الفيديو اعلاه ، مع اكيد تقديرى

  5. We applaud the courage and persistence and fighting spirit of Safia ,she deserve our respect and solidarity and we condemn the barbaric acts of the Islamist and their security forces - down with the Islamist and down with the rule Albashir and his gangster junta.
    Elfatih A.Abdeldaim

  6. with my full respect brother, if any one claimed that he/she being sexually abused or raped, should we believe this immediately?
    Muhanad Fakhri

  7. I think we should ,because in the Sudanese culture it is difficult for a girl to come out and confess about something like this and we all know that.The other thing is we all know that security forces in Sudan use similar practices even with men.The fact that supporters of the regime don't like to face these problems is another issue and understandable that they think it is OK to do these things and is in line with their brutal ways of dealing with opposition .
    Elfatih A.Abdeldaim

  8. well, i just believe as a matter of correctness, and doing things in a proper way, things like these should better be based on facts which are supported by evidences, to base such accusation only on the girl's confession is not enough, and generalizing that sudanese girls never say such things do not mean that we must trust all Sudanese women based on that fact, we could find the good and evil girl everywhere, i just wanted to say we should seek the truth in a better way...am I right or wrong?
    Muhanad Fakhri

  9. for example, a medical report, witnesses, etc...
    Muhanad Fakhri

  10. Many of the visitors to the famous "Ghost Houses" had credibly reported the various forms of sexual abuse.. It can be only a threat, and would top by the actual physical abuse.. Sudan is no different from many unprivileged countries, where ...law and order goes without mentoring or governance.. I agree that our activists should know, while mostly are educated, that presenting such a case should be accompanied with set of documents to show creditability and integrity.. Yet, I suspect the availability, as the corruption within the system would never give such assistance to the opponents.. However, the learning curve is long, and what our people need to learn is a lot.. Finally, a serious question should be addressed on the affirmation and strength of our social traditions, which should create the auto-correction within the personnel to reject any wrong instructions.. i.e., Libyan pilots declined bombing their people.. We need only one person from the system to do the same, then eventually the system would collapse.. or fully exposed..

    Nader Abdelmalik Abdelrazek

  12. shaygi
    Samia Saad

  13. It seems we are here discussing S.I case, not building an intellectual consensus.. If so, such remote diagnosis is simply unfair.. Social networking is a conceptual venue not an empirical one..!

  14. With my respect to the others point of view ,I must agree with uztaz Adil.We are not in the position to assume the opposite to what this poor girl says .I believe we have to give the benefit of doubt ,at the end of the day ,she is a young girl presented as a victim of the most horrible crime can ever be inflicted on a women .I mean physically and psychologically .The other major issue by the way : COME ON GUYS .We grew up in the same cultural background and we all know how instinctively men in our society respond to issues of sexuality , honour etc.: men respond with denial, defence and down grading of a woman.In our society a women is guilty even if she is raped .I believe the responses here are not different at all. Women are our sub-conscious crime .deep inside we rather hide the victim and wish it never happened .Just for God sake ,don't say that women were not raped in Darfur .
    Elfatih A.Abdeldaim

    Rafic Alsayed Mahdi

    Samia Saad

  17. wein wl akhlaq elislamiyeh...faqat natashadaq bil din...
    Ya samia..moujtamaatna faqat mazaher...
    Rafic Alsayed Mahdi

  18. Islam was widely abused by who deliberately use for agendas, or who illiterate and would follow any agendas.. I believe if we would put religion aside, and focus on our structure as human beings, we shall later practice the religion in more coherent, faithful and progressive manners.. Islam was ambushed by the Muslims themselves in the arena of civilization.. Restoring its righteous stand is only possible by restoring righteous practice.. (Yet, “Righteous” itself is controversial..!!)

  19. كلنا المغتصبة ص.أ
    اغتصاب الناشطة صفية اسحق
    الادانة وحدها ما عادت تكفي فالاغتصاب صار الان سلاح اساسي لدي مشوهي جهاز أمن النظام شذاذ الافاق حاملي العاهات النفسية معطوبي الانسانية نعم الادانة سلوك لا يكفي مع فاقدي الضمير والاحساس ولابد من هبتنا في وجههم ومحاسبتهم فردا فردا عن كل جريمة ارتكبت في حق اي مواطن .. فالناشطة ( ص أ ) تعرضت بعد اعتقالها الي الاغتصاب من قبل ثلاثة أفراد من منسوبي جهاز الامن وذلك باحد مكاتب جهاز الامن ببحري وهذا سلوك غريب عن شعبنا قريب من العصبة الحاكمة فكلمات الترابي التي قال ان البشير قد تفوه بها في مجلس خاص حول الغرباوية وضرورة احساسها بالشرف ان اغتصبها جعلي ما زالت ترن بالاذان كما ان سلاح الاغتصاب الذي استعملته السلطة الحاكمة لاذلال نساءنا بدارفور صار جرائم يشهد عليها العالم ورئيسهم ملاحقة بموجبها من قبل المحكمة الجنائية .

    نعم الادانة وحدها ما عادت تكفي سنرص صفوفنا من أجل كنس هؤلاء المافونين ومغتصبي النساء الي مزابل التاريخ ، لن نطالب الان بتعقب الجناة وملاحقتهم فسلوك الاغتصاب ليس سلوكاً فرديا بل صار احد اسلحة العصبة الحاكمة لقمع المعارضين وتثبيت اركان حكمهم سنقتلع رأسهم ومن ثم نلاحقهم وكل من اجرم يوم حسابه آت .

    ختاماً نحي رفيقة دربنا نضالنا ( ص أ ) لها الرفعة ان تعرضت لما تعرضت له من أجل شعبها وللمجرمين والقتلة الخزي والعار .

    قل ما تشاء .. كن ما تقل

    حركة قرفنا
    الخرطوم 21 فبراير 2011

  20. Sudan stills part of this stone-aged culture.. We have long march to draw equal gender rights.. Adding the back warding interpretations of religion and traditions..
    Now.. this girl, will receive no marriage proposal.. even if someone would dare against shaming glimpse from others, her marriage life will only last for few months..
    Regretfully, who had build this page, either use her drama for an agenda, or simply are out of their minds..!!
    Female virginity is the core oriental driver, even among the most liberal ones..!!
    Why should Safiyah been our Mary Jean..?
    Burry the personal abbreviations, yet maintain the case..!

  21. Hi Adil,I do agree looking at the social backgrounds and traditions you have mentioned.But from what I have gathered in the video ,she has consented to face people with her ordeal and come out .It takes lots of courage and commitment .I also think she belongs to some political movement and seem committed to her cause .It is a difficult issue and her life is already ruined in all aspects .It a difficult balance Adil between continuing with the culture of silence and starting the fight against the tradition that suppress certain group of people.Between wiping things under the carpet and having a transparent societies that can easily track irregularities and hold people accountable to their actions and behaviour.Very philosophical debate and yes I understand and won't be in her shoes in our society.At the end of the day people make their life choices and some are tough and carry varying consequences .
    Elfatih A.Abdeldaim

  22. May Allah bring peace to her soul.. and to Sudan..
