Tuesday, March 13, 2012

khartoum is Floating..

Picture of a house in omdorman collapsed well water cycle and caused the death of the husband and wife on the spot and this is cause to question how to dig this wells and to any depth up and how it commends and Trcef on this well its like bomb ticking which may collapse at any moment, causing another disaster and no doubt .. It will occur

Why not to happen..?
1989 a Jordanian researcher signaled how potable water (40% from wells) is polluted in Khartoum, by leakage from the excessive domestic sewage system.. The urban landscape had grown 300% since that time..

Engineering-wise.. Khartoum is floating on sewer..!!

Regretfully, we were possessed with the historical civil service of Sudan.. Unfortunately, most politicians professionals and academics did not realize that those outdated operational models do not fit the modern civic management nor capable to regulate the livelihood of the citizens.. There is a need to admit the pitfall of the system, and professionally call for appropriate and adequate transition into modern applications of management and development.. Urban management is the sole proof of civilization; fits the UN definition that all more than 90% of Sudanese live in Slums..!!

Once they said that the pen is the mightiest weapon to use.. I’m not sure how it is in the cyber world; whereas only 1% has access to internet.. Expression is not valuable, if people can’t reach or interact..

This is why our “Sudanese” NGOs are short and defective.. Reliance on political change or activities is not the solution, but the peoples’ will to make difference regardless who seats in Peoples’ Palace..!!

Maybe I’m old to act, as my generation had already ruined the whole country..!! I hope the new generations are much focused than mine, and much determined than mine to “rebuild” and “reunite” Sudan..!


1 comment:

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