Monday, February 29, 2016

Daughter’s Selfie Goes Viral in the Arab World

The young woman who is reportedly from Algeria initially posted the photo on Facebook which shows her father wearing his garbage collector’s uniform. Along with the photo she wrote: “I am proud of my father who raised me, nurtured me and taught me”
Many children would be ashamed to tell others that their father works as a garbage collector, a job which is unfortunately seen as lowly by many communities around the world. This proud daughter shows that children should be proud of their fathers no matter what their job is (as long as they are earning a Halal income). Children should appreciate their parents who work hard to provide for their family and to give a good upbringing for their children.


This Sudanese graduate feels greatly proud of her mother who used to make and sell the local bread.. Despite the awful girly attitudes of some of her colleagues, she post her own Sonata of love and appreciation to her mother..

أمي أنا 
{ ست الكسرة التي أعشها }

فى مسلسل جديد تركي اسمه ما وراء الشمس 

اول امس حضرت حلقة
المهم فيه طالبة ثانوي بتخجل من امها جدا
عارفين ليه ؟؟
عشان بتشتغل { عاملة نظافة } وقت أصحابها بسالوها أمك شغالة شنو ؟؟
بتقول ليهم عندها شركة سيدة أعمال وكدا
ولمساوئ الصدف بالنسبة ليها أمها شغالة فى نغس المدرسة البتدرس فيها
ووقت الطالبة دي بتكون براها فى الصف أمها أحيانا بتجي عشان تطمن عليها
فالبت بترتبك شدبيييد وتقول ليها امرقى بسرعة قبال يجي واحد من أصحابي ويشوفك
اﻷم بقلبها الكبير وحبها لبتها بتمش عشان ما تحرجا قدام زملائها فى الدراسة
أنا حقيقة مع إنى عارفاه ثمثيل بس للحظة قلت بس يفكونى عليها 
 (عشان أمعطا من شعرا دا وأدقها دق السواد)
ع قدر ما غايظانى 
أنا حكيت القصة دي لشنو ؟؟
ﻷنه بالجد فى مجتمعنا السوداني الكلام دا حاصل حقيقة
ليه إحنا بنخجل من أبهاتنا وأمهاتنا مهما كان وضعهم اﻹجتماعي أو مستواهم التعليمى ؟؟
حابة أحكي ليكم حكايتنا مع أمي باختصار
إحنا من قمنا وفتحنا عيونا ووصلنا مرحلة اﻷعدادي فى الدراسة 
عرفنا يعنى شنو { أم ما متعلمة وفى بلد غربة } وبتكافح بس عشان أولادها يتعلمو يثقفو ياكلو يلبسو
ويبقو أحسن ناس وما نحتاج ﻷي زول يساعدنا
فى مواقف كثييييرة حصلت معايا
بس فى كل موقف كنت بشوف أمي دي ماااااف زولة زيها
وحدة من المواقف المريت بيها 
زولة صحبتى كانت واقفة مع بنات صحباتها
وقت مشيت أسلم عليها
البنات سألوها دي منو ؟؟
ما قالت ليهن إسمها كذا
قالت ليهن دي أمها مكة البتبيع فى الكسرة 
موقف تانى
بعد اتخرجت من الجامعة واشتغلت
اشتريت سيارة وقروش السيارة دي 
من { عواسة الكسرة } .. واحنا وقتها كنا بنشتغل برة البيت 
وبنشتغل جوة البيت شغل الكسرة وبنوزعا ع المطاعم والمدارس 
إضافة للناس الكانت بتصلنا بيتنا عشان يستلمو طلبياتهم
يوم صادفت أمي فى الطريق كانت شايلة برتال فيه كسرة
و أنا كنت سايقة
ومعاى صحباتى ليبيات
أمي شافتنى بس عملت رايحة
بقيت بضرب ليها بورى مرة واثنين وأكثر بس ما اتلفتت
حصلتها ووقفت السيارة
قلت ليها ما شايفانى ؟؟
ماشة وين ؟؟ اركبى اوصلك ؟؟
قالت لى معاك صحباتك وما عاوزاهم يشوفونى بالكسرة
ياخ يومتا بكتنى بكاء
ياخ طز فى الناس البتعاين ليك بالعين البايزة وأي صحبة ما شايفا أنا فخورة بيك قدر شنو
ما بتلزمنى فى حياتى
وأثناء أنا بتكلم معاها صحباتى نزلو من السيارة سلمو عليها وباسوها وركبت معايا وصلتها مشوارها حتى مشينا مشوارنا
ياخ بالجد كل اﻷمهات ماف زيهن والله
وهن نعمة كبيييييرة من ربنا 
فأنا قدر ما أحكي ليكن عن أمي والله ما بوفيها حقها علينا
ولو ما هي أصلووو ما كنا احنا
أنا حابة كل مرة أحكي ليكم عن تجربتنا فى الحياة
لو حابين تسمعونى وأمكن تستفيدو 
smile emoticon
وإنه احنا من العدم بقينا خريجين جامعات
وقدرنا نشق حياتنا فى العلم والعمل
وقدرنا نعتمد ع نفسنا
وانه حتى فى الظروف العصية المرينا بيها أيام أحداث ليبيا وبعد اﻷحداث
كنا واقفين أصلو ما وقعنا
والقوة دي استمديناها من أمي 
ست الكسرة التى أعشها 
وأقول دااااايما
يا إنتي يا أغرق 


This week, aside from political issues posted all over Face-book, another hit story can be seen in the news feed. It is a photo of a graduate student next to a poor farmer. Actually, they are father and son. There are more than 100,000 likes, comments and shares by Cambodians and foreigners alike.
Singha Panno Loch comments, “Unlike a lot of these spoiled kids who don’t know what their parents are going through every day, you are the MAN!”
Kingsley Ebenezer, whose comments were received by more 4,000 likes, says: “I pray for you and your father. May the LORD give you a good job so that you take care of your father and may God keep your father alive to eat the fruit of his labour.”
Sweetest Picture ever and Useful Info, which helped share the picture also put a caption that reads: “A poor farmer supported his son to complete his graduation; My father is my biggest pride said the son. How many likes does this great father deserve?”
The parents are alive thanks to God who always supports us, encourages us and just want to see us have a better future. This picture really shows the true love between a father and the dearest son who is proud to present his grateful parents.


A student of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand used to be ashamed of his father who is a garbage truck driver. He has now finally graduated, and posted ‪photos‬ of himself paying respects to his father on his Facebook page to thank the latter.

According to Bangkok Post on Facebook, here are some excerpts from Klanarong Srisakul's message: "When I was young, there were many occasions when I felt ashamed of my father. I asked myself why didn't he wear cool uniforms like my friends' fathers, who are soldiers and police...

"As I grew older, I knew that my father and I shared a dream. He had to quit school in the 4th grade and he told me that his dream was to see his son study. Back then, I wanted to be a soldier, but I flunked. I thought my father did not cry, but I later learned that he secretly cried. When the result of the university entry examination was announced, my father took a day off to check it. My father was holding back his tears. It was a proud moment for my small family.

"In my 4th year, my father asked me if I was ashamed to have him as a father, and that he had to be frugal. I was lost for words. "Now, I want to thank my father for being who he is and for his support in everything. Thank you for your tiredness, tears and unhappy moments together.

"Now, I want you to be happy with our success. You no longer have to feel ashamed, because you are my No.1 father. I'm proud of you."

Gali Yalkarriwuy Gurruwiwi speaks limited English, mostly conversing in traditional language of the Galpu clan. He says he is proud, touching his heart in a moment of emotion, as his wife Jane Garrutju translates. 

“It was his dream, to dance with his granddaughters here,” she says. He has flown down from a remote out-station on Galiwin'ku [also known as Elcho Island], northeast of Arnhem Land, Australia. That’s about 3,000 kilometers away from Worawa Aboriginal College in Healesville, northeast of Melbourne, where his granddaughter Sasha has been boarding for the past two and a half years. This is her Year 10 graduation.

“I am proud of my grandchildren, Sasha and Alicia, I am proud that this college was taken care of and that they got a good education,” Gali says.  Gali is a Yolngu Mala leader, the Morning Star dancer. Despite feeling unwell on the morning of the ceremony, the elder, who does not know his exact age, insisted on following through with the special group performance involving two of his granddaughters. The traditional dance called Lunggurrma incorporates the feathered ceremonial Banumbirr [pole]. “When visitors come to Galiwin'ku my grandfather always dances, and all the grandchildren dance with him,” Sasha says. “I always love to dance with my grandparents.
”[So] this was a bit unique.“
Sasha has a strong connection to her culture — something that’s strengthened during her time at boarding school. “I love hunting, looking for oysters and fishing, and looking for mango worms, and dancing traditional, we call it bunggul, that’s what I miss, and telling stories around the campfire,” she says.
“I speak three Indigenous languages. Going to a boarding school like this, I learnt new Indigenous languages and [of] cultures from different communities as well.” The absence has been difficult for her family back home. But Jane says the family decided to send her granddaughter to Worawa because they wanted to give her a chance to be anything she wanted to be.   
“Culture, we value it like land and sea, and we are proud of it,” Jane says. “[Gali’s] very strong in teaching his grandchildren to cling on to their values, to be able to balance Western culture and our culture. They need to know who they are, where they come from.”
That was the aim of Worawa founder Hyllus Maris, who started the college in 1983 with the idea of educating young Indigenous people in a way that celebrates their culture and their past, and helps them have a bright future. Sasha says she walks proudly in both worlds. She plans to complete year 11 and 12 at Clontarf Aboriginal College in WA and dreams of becoming a nurse, working in her own community and in Melbourne.
“I would still love to practice culture and teach people my culture,” she says. “I also want to be a role model to younger girls and show them that they can do something with their lives and be happy.”
These are not the only stories that were made public.. Just few of the famous ones..There are hundreds of thousands of untold heartbreaking stories..
within each achievement there are lots of tears, bloods and sweats..
There are the assets of our Humanity.. and Humility as well..
Can you observe the match and knit between both.. Can you?
If you can, you got it..!!
You are a Real..  You are a Human-being

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