Monday, July 6, 2009

Malaysian Roots..

"Malaysia Truly Asia.." I believe this slogan is one of the best in the last decade, which celebrates the year around festivals and tourism attraction in within the diverse of Malaysia.. I spent lots of time visiting Malaysia, exploring its culture, people, and politics..

I was amazed with their easy-going personality, which mistakenly been read as lazy or not ambitious.. I could understand that much better, as we; as Sudanese, had been named the same.. Both Malaysia and Sudan have brilliant scientists and professionals all over the world, who would go back home, and share their native the traditional easiness and extended comfort..!! Both Malaysians and Sudanese are extremely interested in politics.. Both nations are setting on huge natural wealth and reserves..!!

Malaysia had gathered multiple ethnic groups, dominated by the Malays; who are descendents of mix of Chinese, Indians and Native Asians.. This mixing process took about 30 centuries, which later had its final flavor by migrating Arabs about 10 centuries ago.. Arabs came; empowered by authentic Islam; which attracted most of the Malays, who later adopted lots of Arabic traditions, names, and calligraphy as well.. Malays are mostly Muslim farmers with extraordinary bonds with their villages and birth places.. The great Chinese expedition in 1500th; had landed on some Malaysian ports in Sabah, Singapore, Malacca and Penang, before continuing to Bengal Bay.. They lift colonies and tied the wed-knots with local Chiefs; which had developed the current Chinese group in Malaysia, as its 2nd largest and greatly distinct with trade and industry. Fair number of the Chinese converted to Christianity in the last century.. The British had brought lots of south Indians to work in rubber fields in south Malaysia, who later became the 3rd ethnic group in the concurrent country. Most of Indians are followers of Hinduism.. The Native Asians or Aboriginals who live in high lands and jungles are comparatively few. Their skins vary from fair to dark, while mostly are believing in pagan rituals..

This histo-ethnic map would draw the economic and political one, which made Malaysia one of only two countries worldwide with ethnic based governing system.. So; no wonder the strife to establish its democracy and fair chances is greatly problematic..

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