Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tribes of Sudan

This is the 1st time to count how many we are ..!!
I think I had missed some..?? Pls advise if you know..!

1. Acholi (also Acoli) is an ethnic group from the districts of northern Uganda and Magwe County in southern Sudan..

2. Afitti is an ethnic group in Shamal Kurdufan in Sudan. Afitti is a language of less than 10,000 speakers. It belongs to..  

3. Aja are an ethnic group in the Southern Sudanese state of Western Bahr el Ghazal..

4. Amri is an Arabic ethnic group of Sudan. The members of this group speak Sudanese Arabic. The number..

5. Amarar is an Africa n bedouin tribe of the Beja people inhabiting the mountainous..

6. Andang (Amdang) is an ethnic minority of Chad and Sudan. Most Andang are Muslims. They live..

7. Anuak are a river people whose villages are scattered along the banks and rivers of southeastern Sudan and western..

8. Artega is a tribe of Africa n "Arabs" said to be descendants of a sheik of that.. followers of the Mahdi and Khalifa in the Sudan wars (1883-1898)..

9. Atuot are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state..

10. Avukaya is an ethnic group of Sudan. Some members of this ethnic have fled to the..

11. Awadia and Fadnia are two small nomad tribes of pure Arab blood living in the Bayuda Desert, Sudan, between the wells of Jakdul and..

12. Awlad Hassan is an ethnic group of Sudan. It is an Arabic-speaking minority. The number of persons in this group..

13. Awlad Himayd are part of the greater Baggara Arabs fraternity of Kordofan and Darfur, they speak Sudanese Arabic. Awlad Himayd live in eastern parts of South Kordofan..

14. Awlad Mana is an ethnic group of Sudan. It is a minority that speaks Zaghawa, a Chad-Saharan language. The number of persons..

15. Atwot is an ethnic group of Sudan. Another designation for the ethnic group is Reel. They live in the Upper Nile..

16. Azande ("Zande" as an adjective) are a tribe of north central Africa.. south western Sudan, and in the southeastern Central African Republic..

17. Baggara are Arabs in the states of Sudan (particularly Darfur), Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria.. Sudan armed many of the local tribes among them the..

18. Bai people is an ethnic group speaking the Bai language in Sudan..

19. Baka People a Sudanese ethnic group..

20. Balanda Boor (or Boor) are an ethnic group numbering 40,000 to 50,000 people living in the Southern Sudanese states of Western..

21. Balanda Bviri are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of Western Bahr el Ghazal..

22. Bari people are ethnic groups of Sudan..

23. Batahin is a Baggara ethnic group of Sudan. The members of this ethnic group are Arabic-speaking Muslims..

24. Beja people In the 13th century, the Beja accepted Islam as the Bedouin tribes spread into Sudan and swamped the Nubian kingdoms. As of 2007, the..

25. Belanda Bor is an ethnic group of Southern Sudan. They speak the Belanda Bor language, however most..

26. Beni-Amer (Amir) is a mixed ethnic group that formed in the fourteenth century from Tigre, Beja and parts..

27. Binga people are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of Western..

28. Bisharin are a Sunni Muslim tribe of the Beja nomadic ethnic group in the eastern part of the Nubian Desert in Sudan; they live..

29. Bongo people are an ethnic group living in Southern Sudan, mostly in the Tonj..

30. Burun is an ethnic group of Sudan. They live in and around the Upper Nile Valley in Blue Nile (state). They speak Burun..

31. Bviri is an ethnic group of Southern Sudan. They speak Bviri, one of the Niger-Congo languages. The Bviri number about 40,000..

32. Dar Sila is the name of the wandering sultanate of the Dar Sila Daju, a multi-tribal ethnic group in Chad and Sudan. The number of the persons in this group exceeds 50,000..

33. Daasanach are an ethnic group of Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan..

34. Danagla are the largest ethnic group of the Nubian people in Northern Sudan..

35. Debri is an ethnic minority of South Kurdufan in Sudan. It speaks Dilling, which is a language belonging to..

36. Didinga occupy the Didinga Hills region in the southeastern corner of Sudan. They live in the valleys, on the plateaus and slopes, and on the adjacent plains..

37. Dilling are a Sudanese ethnic group and one of the "Nuba" peoples. The Dilling number several thousand and live mainly..

38. Dinka is a tribe in south Sudan, inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the..

39. Dongotono (Dongotono) is an ethnic group of Sudan. They live around the Dongotono Mountains range in Eastern Equatoria State..

40. Donyiro is an ethnic group of Ethiopia and Sudan. It counts several 10,000 members. They speak Nyangatom, a Nilo-Saharan language..

41. Dubasiyin is an ethnic group of more than 50,000 persons in Sudan. This ethnic group speaks Sudanese Arabic..

42. Dukpu is an ethnic group of the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan. They speak Mid-Southern Banda, a Niger-Congo language..

43. El Hugeirat is an ethnic minority of Sudan. They speak El Hugeirat, which is a Nilo-Saharan language. This ethnic group lives in the El Hugeirat Hills in Gharb Kurdufan..

44. Eliri is an ethnic group in Sudan. The members of this group speak Eliri and live in South Kurdufan. This group numbers..

45. Erenga is an ethnic group of Sudan. In Kulbus province of West Darfur in Sudan the members of this group are at about 30 % of the population..

46. Feroghe are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of..

47. Fertit is an ethnic group in the Central African Republic and Sudan. Most members of this ethnic group speak Arabic. Most members of this ethnic group are Muslims..

48. Fezara is an ethnic group of Sudan. The number of persons in this ethnic group is at a few 200,000. Most members..

49. Fongoro is an ethnic group of Sudan and Chad. About 1000 members of this ethnic group live in Sudan and a possibly higher..

50. Fula people are spreading all over Ghana, Liberia , and as far as Sudan in the east..

51. Fungor is an ethnic group of Sudan. Several 1000 members of this ethnic group live in Sudan. They speak Fungor..

52. Fur people from western Sudan, principally inhabiting the.. , where they are the largest tribe.. against Southern tribes who wanted to secede from the Sudan..

53. Fuzzy-Wuzzy tribal groupings supporting the Mahdi, and were divided into three tribes. One of these, the Hadendoa, was nomadic along Sudan's Red Sea..

54. Gaalin is a Muslim ethnic group of Sudan. This is an Arab Tribe.. Many other tribes are sub-tribes of Ja'alin. Search the word Ja'Alin..

55. Gawamaa is an ethnic group belonging to the Baggara in Sudan. The number of its members is about 750,000. The members of this group..

56. Gberi is an ethnic group in Sudan. Its members speak Mo'da, one of the Nilo-Saharan languages. The number of..  

57. Ghulfan is an ethnic group in Nuba Mountain's Sudan. The number of persons in this group is above 10,000. Their primary..

58. Gimma are an ethnic group of Northern Sudan. Most of the members of this group are Muslims. The number of persons in this group is above 100,000..

59. Gollo are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of Western..

60. Golo is an ethnic group in Darfur, Sudan. Most of the members of this group don't speak West Central Banda. The number of persons in this..

61. Guhayna is an ethnic group of Central Sudan. The number of its members is about one million. Most persons of this group are Muslims..

62. Gule is an ethnic group belonging to the Shilluk in Northern Sudan. The Gule now speak Sudanese Arabic..

63. Gulud is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Katla, a Kordofanian language. The number of persons..

64. Gumuz (also spelled Gumaz) is an ethnic group living in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region and the Qwara woreda of Ethiopia, as well as the Fazogli region of Sudan; they number..

65. Habbaniya or Habbania, are a Sunni Muslim tribe of the nomadic Bedouin Baggara people in the plains of Sudan's Darfur..

66. Hadendoa is the name of an East African nomadic tribe. They belong to the Beja people..

67. Halfaweyen are the main ethnic group of the Nubian people in Northern Sudan, inhabiting Wadi Halfa..

68. Hallenga are sub-tribe of Beja people in Eastern Sudan..

69. Hasania (or Hassania) are members of a Muslim tribe of Arab origin. As of 1911, they were inhabitants of the desert between Merwe and the Nile at the 6th Cataract..

70. Hawawir are an Africa n tribe of Semitic origin, dwelling in the Bayuda Desert, Sudan. They are found along tile road from Debba..

71. Hawazma part of Sudan 's Baggara tribe, are cattle herder s who roam the area.. ethnic group s, local tribes, tribal culture s, ecosystem..

72. Hedareb people include the Beni-Amer people who have retained the use of the Beja language, the To-Bedawi (Hedareb). They also include the subtribes: Hashish, Labat, and Halenqua..

73. Homa is an ethnic group of Sudan. This ethnic group speaks Arabic. This group is not uniform in terms of religion..

74. Husseinat are the members of an ethnic group of Sudan. They live around the White Nile. They are Muslims and speak..

75. Ifoto are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern..

76. Indri are the members of an ethnic group of Sudan. They live in Southern Sudan. Most of them are Muslims..

77. Ingessana are the members of an ethnic group of Sudan. They live around the Tabi Hills, between the Blue and White Niles..

78. Imatong are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern..

79. Jiye people are an ethnic group living in the Kathangor Hills in the Southern Sudan..

80. Jumjum is an ethnic group in Sudan. Most of its members are Muslims. The number of persons in this group is at about 50,000..

81. Jur Beli (also, Jurbiel and Beli) are an ethnic group living in Southern Sudan..

82. Jur Mananger is a group numbering 20,000 to 30,000 people living in Gogrial District of Southern..

83. Jur Modo is an ethnic group in Sudan numbering about 50,000. They have a rural way of life..

84. Jurchol Jo-Luo, also known as Jur Chol, are an ethnic group in Sudan numbering between..

85. Kababish are a Sunni Muslim nomadic camel -raising tribe of the northern Kordofan region of Sudan..

86. Kabbabish (from Kabsh, sheep) a tribe of African nomad s of Semitic origin.. Some of the tribes wear large hats like those of the..

87. Kadaru is an ethnic group in Northern Sudan. Most of its members are Muslims. The number of persons in this group is above 10,000. They speak Kadaru language..

88. Kakwa are an ethnic group in northwestern Uganda, southern Sudan, and northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, from Nilotic origin..

89. Kalenjin people to have migrated to their present location from Sudan 2,000 years ago.. referred to as the 'Nandi-speaking tribes' by scholars and..

90. Kaligi is an ethnic group in Sudan. Most of its members are Muslims. The number of persons in this group is above 10,000. They live in Bahr el Ghazal..

91. Kanga is an ethnic minority of Sudan. They number about 10,000 persons. They live in Northern Sudan in the Nuba Mountains..

92. Kara people is an ethnic group in the Central African Republic and Sudan. They speak..

93. Karko is an ethnic group in the Nuba Mountains in Northern Sudan. They speak Karko, a Nilo-Saharan language..

94. Katla is an ethnic group of the Nuba in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Katla, a Niger-Congo language. Most members of this ethnicity are..

95. Kawahla is an ethnic group of Eastern Sudan.. One of their hobbies was robbing camels and sheep from any tribe that entered their..

96. Keiga is an ethnic group of the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Keiga, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this ethnicity likely is below 10,000..

97. Keiga Jirru is an ethnic group of the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Tese, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population..

98. Kerarish is an ethnic group of Darfur and Kordofan in Sudan. They speak Sudanese Arabic. The population of this ethnic..

99. Ketebo is an ethnic group of the Lonyili Mountain in Southern Sudan. They speak Oketeboi and Okoliei languages. The population of this ethnic is over 14, 000..

100. Kichepo is an ethnic group of Southern Sudan and Ethiopia. They speak Kichepo, a dialect..

101. Kimr is an ethnic group in West Darfur in Sudan and Chad. They speak Gimr, a dialect of Tama, a Nilo-Saharan language..

102. Kineenawi is an ethnic minority of Sudan. It numbers about 20,000 persons. Most members of this minority are Muslims. They are Arabs..

103. Koalib Nuba is an ethnic minority and a subgroup of the people called "Nuba". It numbers more than 50,000 persons. This minority..

104. Kreish is the name of an ethnic minority in Sudan and the Central African Republic, which numbers in the tens of thousands. The Kreish speak Gbaya..

105. Krongo Nuba is an ethnic minority and a subgroup of the people called "Nuba". It numbers several 10,000 persons. This minority is divided..

106. Kuku people are a tribe from Southern Sudan. The name of the tribe’s Chief (Kajok-Köji) who was in power during the British rule in the Sudan..

107. Kuraan is an ethnic minority of Sudan. It likely numbers more than 50,000 persons. This minority is mainly Muslim. They speak Arabic..

108. Lafofa is an ethnic minority among the Nuba people of Sudan. It likely numbers less than 10,000 persons. This minority is mainly..

109. Lahawin is an ethnic minority of Sudan.. Minority now they are the 1st tribe who supported almahadi and form the nucleus of his fighting forces..

110. Lango people ethnic group of Sudan (distinct from Lango of Uganda ) are a community of..

111. Larim people living in Kapoeta County in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern..

112. Laro is an ethnic minority in Sudan. The population of this minority is at several 10,000. Many members of this minority are..

113. Logir are numbering a few thousand people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern..

114. Logo is an ethnic group of Sudan and Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is also a Nilo-Saharan language spoken..

115. Logol is an ethnic minority in Sudan and one of the people called "Nuba". The population of this minority likely is below 10,000. Their traditional..

116. Lokoja is an ethnic minority in Sudan. The population of this minority is at several 10,000. They traditional home is Equatoria. They speak..

117. Lokoya people are numbering about 30,000 people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern..

118. Lopid is an ethnic minority in Sudan. Its population stands in the tens of thousands. Their traditional home is Equatoria, and they speak Lopit..

119. Lopit are 25,000 to 30,000 people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern..

120. Lotuko (also, Lotuka) is an ethnic group in Sudan. Their population exceeds..

121. Lugbwara are thousand people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Central Equatoria..

122. Lulubo 30,000 to 40,000 people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Eastern Equatoria.. References: The must peacefull tribe of South Sudan..

123. Luo (family of ethnic groups) in an area that stretches from Southern Sudan, in Ethiopia (Anuak) through northern..

124. Maalia is an ethnic minority in Sudan. The population of this minority likely does not exceed 100,000. Most of them belong to Islam..

125. Maba is an ethnic minority in Chad and Sudan. The population of this minority is at several 100,000. All of them belong to Islam..

126. Maban people are an ethnic group living in Southern Sudan between the Nile and the..

127. Madi people (section The Madi in present-day Sudan) The Mà'dí people are found in the Magwi County in Sudan, and the districts of.. breed an enmity between the two tribes, which led to..

128. Magyarab are a people living along the Nile River in Egypt and Sudan. They are of Hungarian ancestry, probably dating back to the late 16th century..

129. Mahas is ethnic group located in Northern Sudan along the banks of the Nile. They are named after..

130. Makaraka people currently form part of the population of the Southern Sudanese state of..

131. Manasir constitute one of many Sunni Afro-Arab revering tribes of Northern Sudan.. Unlike other riverain tribes of the Sudan a..

132. Mangaya is an ethnic group in Southern Sudan. They speak Mangayat, a Niger-Congo language. The number of persons..

133. Mangayat are an ethnic group living in the Southern Sudanese state of Western Bahr el..

134. Masalit (masara in Masalit) are a nation of people of Darfur in western Sudan and Wadai in eastern Chad. They speak Masalit..

135. Mesakin is an ethnic minority in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. The population of this minority possibly exceeds 50,000. They speak Ngile..

136. Messiria (section Dar Al Messiria in Kordofan, Sudan) The Messiria belong to the Baggara Arabs tribes and speak Sudanese Arabic.. largest people group in Western Sudan, extending into Eastern Chad..

137. Midob is an ethnic group in the Meidob Hills in Sudan. Many historians like Brown (The history Of Sudanese Tribes) mentioned that Midob is..

138. Molo is an ethnic group in Blue Nile state in Sudan. They number less than thousand and speak Molo language..

139. Morokodo people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Central Equatoria They speak.. In western Equatoria You will find Morokodo tribe in..

140. Moro Nuba is an ethnic group in Sudan. They speak Moro language, a Niger-Congo language. Many members of this ethnicity are Christians..

141. Moru is an ethnic group of Sudan . Most of them live in Equatoria.. SELIGMAN, C.G. & B.Z. (1932) Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan..

142. Mundari is a nilotic tribe of cattle herders and agriculturalists native to Southern Sudan.. In common with other nilotic tribes in Sudan, the Mundar..

143. Mundari are a small nilotic tribe of cattle herders and agriculturalists native to Southern Sudan. Mundari is also the name of..

144. Mundu people is an ethnic group in Western Equatoria in Southern Sudan. Population in..

145. Murle are an ethnic group residing in Southern Sudan and Ethiopia..

146. Narim (aka Longarim), is an ethnic group in Boya Hills in Eastern Equatoria in Sudan. Its population might be below 10,000. They speak Narim..

147. Ndogo are an ethnic group from the south of Sudan, part of the Fertit..

148. Ngulgule is an ethnic group of Southern Sudan They speak Njalgulgule , a Nilo..

149. Nubian people in Sudan inhabit the region between Wadi Halfa in the north and Aldaba in the south. The main Nubian groups from north to south are the Halfaweyen, Sikut (Sickkout), Mahas, and Danagla. They speak different dialects..

150. Nuer (also known as the Lo Nuer) are a confederation of tribes located in Southern Sudan and western Ethiopia. Collectively, the..

151. Nyamusa is an ethnic group of Equatoria in Southern Sudan. They speak Nyamusa-Molo, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this..

152. Nyangatom are in south western Ethiopia and south eastern Sudan, who live with their herds in a..

153. Nyangwara are 25,000 and 30,000 people living in the Southern Sudanese state of Central..

154. Nyimang is an ethnic group of the Nuba Mountains in Kordofan in Sudan and one of.. Trading system: they trade cattle for seeds with other tribes..

155. Olubo is an ethnic group of Equatoria in Southern Sudan. They speak Olu'bo, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group..

156. Otoro Nuba is an ethnic group in the Nuba Mountains of Kordofan in Sudan. They speak Otoro language, a Nilo-Saharan language..

157. Pari (also spelled Paeri) is an ethnic group in Sudan.. The multi-ethnic tribe speaks Dhi-Pari. A Luo language , and practice Luo..

158. Pojullo (or Pöjullo) are an ethnic group numbering about 750,000 people living in the Southern Sudanese state of..

159. Pojulu people are ethnic groups in the South Sudan occupy the Savanna lands of the Nile Valley on the west of Bari..

160. Rashaida people are a Bedouin tribe populating both sides of the Red Sea as well as.. in large numbers to Eastern Sudan and Eritrea where they..

161. Rek is an ethnic group in Sudan, a subgroup of the Dinka. Its members speak South-Western Dinka, also called Rek, a Nilotic language..

162. Rizeigat is an Arabic tribe of the nomadic Bedouin Baggara people in Sudan 's Darfur region.. enslaved by members of the Messiria and Rizeigat tribes..

163. Rufaa is an ethnic group in Sudan. They speak Sudanese Arabic. The population of this group is at several 100,000..

164. Rubatab are one of the many tribes of Sudan. They are located in Northern Sudan along the Nile River..

165. Sara Gambai is an ethnic group in Sudan. They speak Ngambay, a Nilo-Saharan language. Many members of this ethnicity..

166. Sebei is an ethnic group of Uganda and Sudan. They speak Kupsabiny, a Nilotic language. Many members of this ethnic group..

167. Selim is an ethnic group of Sudan. They speak Sudanese Arabic. Most members of this ethnic groups are Muslims..

168. Sere people are an ethnic group numbering over 10,000 living in the Southern Sudan..

169. Shaigiya or Shaiqiyah (Arabic: الشايقيّة) (redirect from The Shaigiya of the Northern Sudan 800-present) are one of the three dominant tribes in Northern Sudan, the others being the Ja'Alin and..

170. Shaikia is an ethnic group of Sudan. They are an Arab Tribe. All members of this ethnic group are Muslims. The population of this ethnic..

171. Shatt is an ethnic group of Southern Sudan. They speak Shatt, a Nilo-Saharan..

172. Sherifi is an ethnic group of Sudan. They speak Sudanese Arabic. Most members of this ethnic groups are Muslims..

173. Shilluk are a major Nilotic ethnic group of Southern Sudan, living on both banks of the river Nile, in the vicinity of the city of Malakal..

174. Shukria are a large tribe of arabic origin nomads.. One of the smallest groups of Arab s in Sudan, the Shukria compose less than 1% of..

175. Sikut are a large ethnic group of the Nubian people in Northern Sudan..

176. Shita is an ethnic group of Sudan and Ethiopia. They speak Opuuo, a Nilo-Saharan language. Most members of this ethnic group are not Muslims..

177. Shuweihat are the members of an ethnic minority in Chad and Sudan, which belongs to the Baggara. Most of them are Muslims. They speak Shuwa..

178. Shwai is an ethnic group in Sudan. They speak Shwai, a Niger-Congo language. Many members of this ethnicity are Christians..

179. Sillok are the members of a minor ethnic minority in Sudan. They speak Aka a Nilo-Saharan language. Most speak Arabic..

180. Sinyar are the members of a minor ethnic minority in Chad and Sudan (West Darfur). Some of them speak Sinyar, a Nilo-Saharan language..

181. Sungor is an ethnic group in Chad and Sudan (West Darfur). They speak Assangori, a Nilo-Saharan language. Most of them are Muslims..

182. Ta’isha is one of the Baqqara tribes, these nomads originated from the Guhayna.. with the rest of western Sudan tribes in the Mahadia revolt..

183. Tacho is an ethnic group in Southern Sudan. They speak Tocho, a Niger-Congo language. They number possibly less than 10,000..

184. Tagale is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Kordofan, Sudan. They speak Tegali, a Niger-Congo language. They number several 10,000..

185. Tagbu is an ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan. They speak Tagbu, a Niger-Congo language..

186. Talodi is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Talodi, a Niger-Congo language. They likely number more than 1,000..

187. Tama is an ethnic group in Chad and Sudan. They speak Tama language, a Nilo-Saharan language. They likely number more than 50,000..

188. Temein is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Temein, a Nilo-Saharan language. They likely number more than 10,000..

189. Tenet is an ethnic group in Eastern Equatoria in Sudan. They speak Tennet, a Nilo-Saharan language. They number over 10,000 in size..

190. Thuri is an ethnic group in Southern Sudan. They speak Thuri, a Nilo-Saharan language. They possibly number several 10,000..

191. Tid (also, Teuth) are an ethnic group living in Southern Sudan near the..

192. Tima is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Kordofan, Sudan. They speak Tima, a Niger-Congo language. They number several thousands..

193. Tingal is an ethnic group in Northern Sudan. They speak Tingal, a Niger-Congo language. They number at least several thousands..

194. Tira is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Sudan and one of the ethnicities called "Nuba". They speak Tira..

195. Tirma is an ethnic group in Ethiopia and in Sudan. They speak Suri, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group is numbered in the tens of thousands..

196. Tornasi is an ethnic group in Northern Sudan. They speak Kelo, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group likely does not exceed 1,000..

197. Toposa is an ethnic group in Sudan. They speak Toposa , a Nilotic language..

198. Toubou ethnic group that live mainly in northern Chad, but also in Libya, Niger and Sudan. ... Preceded them and of the tribes inhabiting Darfur..

199. Tukam is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in South Kurdufan in Sudan. They speak Tagoi, a Niger-Congo language..

200. Tulishi is an ethnic group in Sudan. They speak Tulishi, a Niger-Congo language. The population of this group is at several 1,000..

201. Tumma is an ethnic group in South Kurdufan in Sudan. They speak Katcha-Kadugli-Miri, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group..

202. Tumtum, an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in Sudan. They speak Tumtum, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group likely is below 10,000..

203. Tunjur, or Tungur, are a Muslim people estimated around 176.000 people, living in central Darfur, a province of Sudan..

204. Turum is an ethnic group in South Kurdufan in Sudan. They speak Koalib, a Niger-Congo. The population of this group likely is below 5,000..

205. Uduk are a Nilo-Saharan group from eastern Sudan. They call themselves Kwanim Pa and are culturally and linguistically related to..

206. Umm Heitan is an ethnic group in South Kurdufan in Sudan. They speak Koalib, a Niger-Congo language. The population of this group..

207. Vidiri is an ethnic group in the Central African Republic and Sudan. They speak Banda-Banda, a Niger-Congo language..

208. Welega (also spelled Wallega, Wollega, etc.) is a branch of the Oromo people who live in Ethiopia in the former Welega Province; a few live across the border in Sudan. They speak West Central Oromo, a dialect of the Oromo language..

209. Werni is an ethnic group in the Nuba Hills in South Kurdufan in Sudan. They speak Warnang, a Niger-Congo language. The population..

210. Wetawit is an ethnic group in Ethiopia and Sudan. They speak Berta, a Nilo-Saharan language. The population of this group likely exceeds 100,000..

211. Yerwa Kanuri is an ethnic group in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Sudan. They speak Central Kanuri..

212. Yulu is an ethnic group in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan..

213. Zaghawa ethnic group or tribe, mainly living in eastern Chad and western Sudan, including.. The Zaghawa have been among the tribes in Darfur who.. 


  1. I hope one day people would stop using the word tribe to describe the various ethnic groups in Africa, or otherwise we would have to use it too to describe the various communities in Europe like French, German, Celts, Gypsies, Slavs etc etc.
    I am really impressed that you have been able to list such a huge number of all the ethnic groups in the ... Read moreSudan. Good job. However I think you have forgotten to include a few more like Balanda, Jur Modo, Acholi and others that I just can't seem to remember right now.
    My ethnic group is Luo (Jur-Chol) which has already been included. Thanks.
    by: Christopher Umedo Ayeiy

  2. Thanks Brother Chris... Yes, we should elevate ourselves to be a nation, not tribes in one country.. such a process will come once our national blending is done.. therefore, I celebrate the cultural mix and diversity as address of richness and tolerance.. I know that many groups were missed, and looking for more comments to make the list further comprehensive.. thanks a lot.. Be Blessed..

  3. it needs a commitee of great rational brains to work hard putting aside any tribal or political games and start influencing or"brain washing" the rest of "Folks". afterwards, for sure we will endup having a united great empire~!.
    Ibrahim Musa

  4. My Dear Ibrahim.. I guess it requires ready-made brains to be provided on cheap affordable rates.. It is unprecedented shameful chaos; which Sudan will never come after as one intact piece.. It is the End of Sudan, a title would enrich any library or academic research on the systematic and professional hypocrisies in the modern world.. Thanking Allah I have no kids, who would ask tough embarrassing questions..!! Yet I could not give up the Sudanese Passport.. but shortly will have to, for compulsory country name change..!!

  5. That's a huge effort... Thanks!
    Anwar Dafa-Alla

  6. Thanks for the comments.. It was there since Oct 09.. Announced several times, yet almost no one cares..!! Information is the basis for any logic or scientific endeavor.. Politics of Wanassa had polluted and undermined all prospectus on the Sudanese ID, Culture and Way of life.. Our new breed of politician are using Chat rooms to plan for the future.. I think chat rooms are the greatest curse of cyber world..!! Should I call it Cyber-Wanassa..?

  7. Chat rooms aren't the right place to plan for anything related to people's life..especially for us as Sudanese...we should go for Documented stuff to able to Audit!
    Anwar Dafa-Alla

  8. Why "especially for us as Sudanese.." we are no special in the world..! However, Chats or Wanassa is what we do for both private or public endeavors.. Admitting the wrongdoing is the only gate for the righteous doing... and future; if any..!

  9. Because we have been suffering from "oral culture" that prevented us from having "enough" documentation for our life...most of Sudan history books are written by non-Sudanese! Am I right?
    Anwar Dafa-Alla

  10. absolutely right, add to that your answer to the following question "where are all the intellectuals who have once in their live tried to speak out truth?!!"
    Ibrahim Musa

  11. Many nations have their history undocumented but in folkloric formats, most African, Asian and Indian Americans.. Preserved folklore is read as documentation too.. yet; they are not confused as our new generations are today.. There are many negative issues that require educated brave hearts to address.. How many we have..? I had spoken the truth, and lost my Party's ID for that, yet my security file is copied among three counties, at least..!! lol

  12. Hi Adil,

    I just want to thank you for incredible work you did with our tribes in Sudan. Good job brother, but stay away from sub or ethnic groups because that might give you headache later. Also, read about a guy name salva dut, he is from small tribe in Sudan.



  13. Hi! Thanks for the post. great effort. I did notice that some Northern tribes are missing (i.e.: Jaa'lia, Jimoeya, Majazib, etc..) Also Ii think you used Wikipedia as the "only" reference. maybe if you had checked with other references, maybe Sudanese Books you could have had included more tribes. Thanks again :)

  14. Thanks for your kind words...
    Yes, I only used Wikipedia as reference..
    Yes, there are many others to refer to..
    Yes, much effort is required to make it a reliable reference..
    Yes, I'm busy and old enough to make it may sole concern..
    It was meant to be inspirational and fun..!!
    Good luck for the all sudan's fan; who might use my work for better tomorrow...!

  15. Salam, I'm Pandu
    Currently doing a research on Blue Nile State in Sudan, and came across an ethnic group called Zanarkha-Fonj. I could not find any reference on this one. Don't even know if it is considered Arab or non-Arab group. Would be grateful if anyone can help. Thank you.

  16. Salaam Pandu..
    I'm sorry as have no data to provide you..
    I advise to try vide Facebook; it is a great media for people. I shall try on your behalf..
    Also, you may contact Institute of African Studies in Cairo; they have great references..
    Best of Luck

  17. Salaam Pandu...
    This is what I had recieved from my friend Mohamed Ayoub Fadlallah
    تحياتى استاذ عادل ، ليست لدى معلومات عن هذه القبيلة ولكن هنالك مدونة بعنوان مكتبة الحدود السودانية لبشير احمد محى الدين مهتمة بقبائل المنطقة ، كنت قد تركت له تعليقا لأفادتنا عن طلبك يمكنك زيارتها عبر قوقل ، مع امنياتى لك بالتوفيق

  18. This is interesting, the first time I see such a comprehensive list, I was thinking in terms of genetic traits and if there was any population wide exploration to be done then surely this list is going to be one source to go to...

  19. Thanks for this well done job. This is a good start. The next step for you is to try learning the Sudanese languages so that you can create your own rule: You must know what is a clan and what is a tribe--Are Arab, Dinka, Fur, Tama are these nations or tribes? Under the language of tama nation you will find many sub tribes who speak the same language such as Gimir, Erenga, Marariet, Assugor and other 20 sub tribes who all speak the same language--Under Dinka nation or tribe you will also find other---therefore this work seems very complicated. Unless you identify what is a tribe what is a clan what is a nation, it would very difficult to do this research? You have to go out and speak to people listen and to learn what they speak? If they speak the same language some might turn out to be clans. Any way you have done a very good job and I hope you continue this work

  20. Can anyone help me??

    I want to know about my tribe but I cant find any history on it. All I know about them is that they are from Al Khandaq, Sudan. My parents told me supposedly that they migrated from Hadramaut, yemen.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Please let me know who are your parents and I might be able to dig some information.

  21. there is a well known tribe in Khartoum called Zanarkha and they are living in Khartoum for centuries and they are decadents of Meshaykha. i can send you references for this tribe (books, old maps).

  22. friend, i am so happy To find your website! You see, we have become very close with a family of Sudanease refugees who moved to our city. For the past 9 months, we have spent much time getting to know our neighbors and dear friends. I have a deep love and connection with them despite a language barrier. They speak no English and I have not found a person who speaks English and can translate to Sudanease Arabic. I have been doing much research on the computer to find out more about the tribe and language of my friends, so I may be able to better communicate with them. I have recently learned from them that they are from the massalat tribe in South Sudan. From my research, I learned their language is critically endangered and has only 10 reported speakers ! my love is great for them and their culture, and I feel it is my duty to inform someone of my knowledge of this family and that they are Massalat speakers.

  23. Even if there was a small chance my efforts would help IN ANY WAY to assist in studying and documenting their language and way of life. Any ideas?

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