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Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sun, sand, sex - why Dubai's strict code is a sham
By William Butler
There is both legitimate 'romance' and paid-for sex in Dubai.
Photo / AP 4:00 AM Monday May 17, 2010 Taken from NZ Herald
The bosomy blonde in a tight, low-cut evening dress slid on to a barstool next to me and began the chat: Where are you from? How long are you here? Where are you staying?"
I asked her what she did for a living. "You know what I do," she replied. "I'm a whore."
As I looked around the designer bar on the second floor of the glitzy five-star hotel, it was obvious that every woman in the place was a prostitute. And the men were all potential punters, or at least window-shoppers.
While we talked, Jenny, from Minsk in Belarus, offered me "everything, what you like, all night" for the equivalent of about $1000.
I turned down the offer.
This was not Amsterdam's red-light district. This was in the city centre of Dubai, the Gulf emirate where Western women get a month in prison for a peck on the cheek; the Islamic city on Muhammad's peninsula where the muezzin's call rings out five times a day drawing believers to prayer; where public consumption of alcohol prompts immediate arrest; where adultery is an imprisonable offence; and where mall shoppers are advised against "overt displays of affection", such as kissing.
Ayman Najafi and Charlotte Adams, the couple recently banged up in Al Awir desert prison for a brief public kiss, must have been very unlucky indeed, because in reality Dubai is a heaving maelstrom of sexual activity. It is known by some residents as "Sodom-sur-Mer".
Beach life, cafe society, glamorous lifestyles, fast cars and deep tans are all things associated with "romance" in the fog-chilled minds of Europeans and North Americans.
And there is a fair amount of legitimate "romance" in Dubai. Western girls fall for handsome, flash Lebanese men; male visitors go for the dusky charms of women from virtually anywhere. Office and beach affairs are common. But most of the "romance" in Dubai is paid-for sex, accepted by expatriates as the norm, and to which a blind eye is turned - at the very least - by the authorities.
The bar where "Jenny" approached me was top-of-the-range, where expensively dressed and coiffured girls can demand top dollar from wealthy businessmen or tourists. Virtually every five-star hotel has a bar where "working girls" are tolerated, even encouraged, to help pull in men with cash to blow. But it goes downhill from there.
At sports and music bars, Filipinas vie with the Russians and women from the former Soviet republics for custom at lower prices. In the older parts of the city, Deira and Bur Dubai, Chinese women undercut them all in the lobbies of three-star hotels.
It is impossible to estimate accurately the prostitute population of Dubai. But what makes Dubai prostitution different is the level of acceptance it has by the clients and, apparently, the city's Islamic authorities. Although strictly illegal under United Arab Emirates' and Islamic law, it is virtually a national pastime.
I have seen a 15cm-high stack of application forms in the offices of a visa agent, each piece of paper representing a hopeful "tourist" from Russia, Armenia or Uzbekistan. The photographs are all of women in their 20s seeking one-month visas for a holiday in the emirate.
Maybe young Aida from Tashkent will find a few days' paid work as a maid or shop assistant while she's in Dubai. But most nights she will be selling herself in the bars and hotels and the immigration authorities know that. So must the visa agent, who gets his cut out of each £300 visa fee.
All UAE nationals are entitled to a number of residence visas, which they routinely use to hire imported domestics, drivers or gardeners. But they will sell the surplus to middlemen who trade them on to women who want to go full-time and permanent in the city. The higher the social and financial status of the Emirati, the more visas he has to "farm".
Thousands of women buy entitlement to full-time residence, and lucrative employment, in this way. Three years in Dubai - the normal duration of a residence visa - can be the difference between lifelong destitution and survival in Yerevan, Omsk or Bishkek.
It also ensures a convenient supply of sex for Emiratis. The other big category of punters is Europeans and Americans, and it is remarkable how quickly it all seems normal. A few drinks with the lads on a Thursday night, maybe a curry, some semi-intoxicated ribaldry, and then off to a bar where you know "that" kind of girl will be waiting. In the West, peer group morality might frown on such leisure activities, but in Dubai it's as normal as watching the late-night movie.
In the long, hot summer, wives and families escape the heat by going to Europe or the US, and the change that comes over the male expat population is astounding. Middle-aged men in responsible jobs - accountants, marketeers, bankers - who for 10 months of the year are devoted husbands, transform in July and August into priapic stallions. Tales are swapped over a few beers the next night, positions described, prices compared, nationalities ranked according to performance. It could be the Champions League we are discussing, not paid-for sex.
In my experience, many men will be unfaithful if they have the opportunity and an expectation that they will not be found out. For expats in Dubai, the summer months provide virtual laboratory conditions for infidelity.
There is the Indonesian maid who makes it apparent that she has no objection to extending her duties, for a price; the central Asian shop assistant who writes her mobile number on the back of your credit card receipt "in case you need anything else"; the Filipina manicurist at the hairdresser's who suggests you might also want a pedicure in the private room.
Sodom-sur-Mer is flourishing. But would-be snoggers beware - your decadent behaviour will not be tolerated.
William Butler is a pseudonym for a writer who lived in Dubai for four years.
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Oh dear! Reading this article was so painful like someone has touched an open wound on me, or as I was being frozen...
ReplyDeleteIs it really so rotten under the glittering surface? If it is true, then my intuitions were correct. Sorry for the following too long comment, but my wound is still open and hurts...
I've spent only one month in the UAE and found its architecture and landscape and colourfullness amazing and inspiring. But I've also felt the mood of pretending, the 'plastic feelings' of well-behaving, the loosing of true values and common sense.
I'm sorry for those missRussias and missAsias who ruin their own and men's souls for money, and for those empty-hearted wealthy guys who use women as they were some toys or machines. They steal true happiness from each other's life. (And I'm sorry for the wifes and girlfriends who were cheated...)
But when I think of the UAE those little babies and children come to my mind who are raised by hired foreign nannies...I see it the most serious mistake.
It may sounds silly, but while being there I've felt how Emarati people have been losing their own country. They get everything for their money. But there are many fields of life that are not about money (eg.: relationship between man and woman, between mother and child). What happens to the society where even the most intimate relationships are sold and bought? And which is used only as a passageway for those who are driven to do anything for money but their heart is not there, it does not beat for the country nor for its people...
Dubai is a wonderful example on how communities would unexpectedly be shaped up, and how it may draw its own decomposition..!! It is a case study for all emerging economics and new wealth players; on how to set up their own selves for the greater challenges of sustainability and growth.. It is easy to build a unique city, yet a hazardous activity to maintain it; working and growing..!!
ReplyDeleteI guess, for a long time, Dubai Syndrome will be there for inspiring, copying, imitating, cursing and humiliating as well.. Yet, it is a unique unprecedented and unmatched experience in the civilized history.. Such magnitude of time, place and people is wonderful in a sense, as well as coming with its own brand of sorrow, misery and devastating price.. No one yet dared to estimate, or calculate..!!
Therefore, I decided to capitalize on the 17 years spent in Dubai, to leave a record for the humanity in a humble academic dissertation.. Maybe would be a good reference to many underdeveloped thinkers or strategists to enable better visualization of their urban dreams and colorful expectations.. For those who sorry had to beat the global poverty by cross-border body/soul merchandising; I do share the pain, as if mine (not literally..!) However, our Mankind legacy is always incubated in our catastrophes rather than victories..!!
Now you may understand why being too tired and too lonely.. I’m a Dubai Resident..!!
I am in Dubai in 2020, and this is very accurate. I've never seen prostitution on this scale - it's totally the norm and in all bars ect. It oddly alters the fabric of social interactions as you see hot (but not classically beautiful) girls in all the club's but they are all hookers. Normal girls are relatively easy to spot but make up only 20% of a venue. Haven't partaken myself but it is everywhere.