Monday, January 14, 2019

Sudan: The Complex Systems

For weeks, I had hold myself tight not to comment on what's going on in Sudan..
Political Unrest is calculated by mathematics.. This is the 3rd Millennia and new world order.. Yet, called "Complex Systems"

The formula, includes the answers on when a Coup or a Riot would turn down a regime.. The link can lead any "Mathematics Enthusiastic" to learn more..

However, I know that there is a "margin" for the explainable.. or surprises.. Check 2014 Graph
It is a "Humane" activity.. following a "Critical Mass"..

If we trust Science.. Did anybody calculated the surge in food prices in Sudan...?
This can be a starting point to rationalize what we do

It was not a coincidence to link Riots to Food.. This is a legacy that requires no proof.. However, 2014 Science tells, that if Food Price Index cross the 300 mark, a Change might happens..!

GS or George Soros funds the studies on Political Unrest.. Certainly; on behalf of many stakeholders.. Also, he would provide indirect and complex funds for revolutionists whenever they step out in the streets.. Also, many stakeholders encourage him; including the regimes he supports their opponents.. It is a complex politics..!!

Therefore, I always put an eye on publications, banners, graphics, communications, etc.. which are the fuel of today's populism..

Social formulas are proven to be driven by local environments, where many non-scientific or non-measurable factors take place.. Such sociopolitical mathematic research still young to predict the humane spontaneous moves.. Yet, Riot, Crowd and Disaster management had benefited a lot and apply lots too..

Hisham Musa: Just yesterday I was thinking about exploring the math of our revolution. This paper would be interesting for me in this regard.

I know for a fact that a critical mass is more of a quality than a quantity. Works by folks such as Malcolm Galdwell estimate that only 10% of the population are enough to achieve critical mass. Pareto's principle puts that at 20% but Nassim Talib asserts that this critical mass can be reached with a much lower percentage provided that the minority are steadfast. When they're so, then their impact will be symmetrical to their size. So I was wondering how can we estimate the number of people on the streets on any given day of the revolution.

Thank you so much for sharing this. My brain is fired up

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