Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Sudanese Taliban

I'm very much ashamed....!!

These are the Sudanese Taliban..
This is when religion becomes a cheap tool..
This the theme known by the world; yet no one works to draw an end..
It was not only Afghanistan..
It is not only Sudan..
It is the whole humanity in seizure, confusion and distress..!!

(Try CNN I-Report version:

No Much Difference... Kabul & Khartium..!



  1. The Law Enforcement personnel in Sudan had come from all parties and tribes of the country. Those simple incompetent unemployed sadist active men, joyfully share the awful "Stamina of Torturing Others".. It is a social and psychic disorder; which already spread among all ethnic and cultural components of the Sudan..

    Some dreamers in Southern Sudan use the incident to support their call for independence.. They simply forgot that the "STO" is already in practice in their hometowns, yet not caught on camera..!!
    Maybe it is worth calling the ethnic statistics of Sudan Police Force..!

    Eyes and minds only see what we want, not the actual reality..

  2. ياعادل يسعد صباحك. والله منظر البنية الإستفردوا بيها ناس البوليس دى مقطع مصارينى. وخرب على مزاجى. لكن نحن فى دولة كل منظماتها التى تنادى بحقوق الإنسان فى حالة سبات أو موت سريرى. لك الله يابلادى لك الله. إنما الأمم الأخلاق فإن همو ذهبت اخلاقهم ذهبوا.
    Saad Nasreldin Elsayed

  3. Salaam Saad.. The you-tube version was disabled, yet the I-Report one is active.. Yes, it is a hopless case in a helpless country.. Regardless her crime, the punishment is shamefully sadist..
    They kept saying "Hawa Waldah" till she became b...arren..!!See more

  4. والله ياعادل إحترنا نعمل شنو؟ شلنا السلاح حاربنا النظام. قالوا السلام جاء والحريات سوف تأتى لكننا إنخدعنا حقيقة والشعب المعولين عليه لازال فى إنتظار جودو ولا عبدالسلام. وهكذا تبخرت الأحلام، وكما حذرنا سابقاً ربما نصو ذات يوم ولا نجد السودان . لك
    Saad Nasreldin Elsayed

  5. very very sad...
    Maliha Raza Khan

  6. suppression of women by laws that restrict the freedom ,mind and humanity of women- what a disgrace . change will be difficult .uztaz Adil , I have to disagree with you and disappoint some of us involved in the debate : This is Islamic shar...ia law "en block" with all the lashing, stoning and hand cutting ,there is nothing called adjusting this to the modern world , it is either implemented and called sharia laws or something else .I think we need to cut to the bone of things and stop the hypocrisy and intellectual double standard of Sudanese people and call the baby by its name ,our president , Alturabi, Alneimeri and many Islamic scholars in Sudan and the Arab world call it Islamic sharia Law and it is high in their agenda for decades past and centuries to come .So let us accept that fact that this it and say we don't want it ,because it is suppressive , out of date and an internationally condemned practices ,not at all acceptable in the 21st century.
    Let us leave the southerners out of it ,this our own filthy house which we need to clean , this is not the place to make comparisons and pass the bucket, instead we need to look in the mirror and take the responsibility many other brave nations have taken and changed their lives.
    Elfatih A.Abdeldaim

  7. Since the launch of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Bloc in 1920th, the Muslim world started a great uncontrollable slip. No matter how many researchers, scholars or Imams; it became obvious that a great short-fit was growing, yet went unknown, untouchable and unpredictable as well. The Commons cannot be blamed, while The Intellectual elites and political leaders had worried only on the beneficiary maneuvers, apart from the very few who could not drive the masses. This is why the confusion is getting deeper with no final verdicts on critical issues; i.e., Authority, Marriage, Democracy, Jihad, Women, Penal Code, etc. Certainly FB or any other social media cannot be the venue for such in-depth debate; which had clearly failed in academic centers and think-tanks. We here address the cyber-public, send them think-about-glimpse, and share the common worry. Certainly Hip-Hop issues will be more interesting for most of FB visitors rather than the penal system in Sudan. Saying that.. “Sudan is no exception from all other countries, but just the most vulnerable one”.. Why? Since the Islamists invasion in Nemirie’s; the phenomenon became serious, complex and further rotten in the poor, illiterate, unproductive and mythical-driven Sudanese societies.. Let’s face it.. Hierocracy is a home-made illness; which was there since a group of fit, had relayed on a single bread-earner..!! This when politics, knowledge and science became luxury meant for personal pride rather than the public interest.. An out-spoken Communist PhD holder would NOT walk in the street shoulder-to-shoulder with his wife..!! Such a structured model was repeated, and we all know it pretty well.. This is what went wrong with the Sudan.. and the Sudanese as well.. The ID shock; which confused a nation that got its independence by a signed piece of paper.. The late Grang; who was a victim between Mossad and Museveni with a USA blessing.. That Qurashi who was observing the demonstrations, got killed by a stray bullet and became a symbolic hero.. Which represents the Sudan: the 1964 show, his false martyrdom, the stray bullet, the never-known shooter or the police commander..? It is a heart/mind ache..!

  8. عاوز أعلق على موضوع الجلد الحصل للمرأة/البنت في مركز الشرطة... داير أعلق بدون ما أجلب الفيديو، لأني والله والله والله ما بقدر أتحملو يكون في صفحتي

    Azzam Hassan Farah Mohammad

  9. Dear Azzam; because you are a journalist, I shall be harsh..!!
    Let's face it: it is the public culture that need to be addressed, not an individual case or political regime..

    1. The guts of who shot the video.. Do not tell me he is a human rights activist.. He just had recorded the show for fun.. Been permitted by the officers themselves..!

    2. The officers are just sample of the distressed limited income family men, who turn sadist to release their unbearable anger against living..!

    3. The girl looks a stray one, with family members or friends appearing or comforting, regardless of the social shame..!

    4. The Whole penal system is corrupt, as women punishment in Islam should not be carried out in such public fantasy manner..!

    5. The whole behavior system had collapsed; otherwise those guys would show a typical Sudanese mercy on a woman..!!

    6. Certainly we became worse than other neighboring countries, which we used to name as loose and inhumane, to find ourselves lower in all ratings..!!

    7. The whole phenomenon does not worth talking about, but to regret the times when correction was achievable..!!

    8. The so called intellectual Elite of Sudan are the only to blame, as they practiced luxurious thinking rather than the necessary one..!!

    9. Others like me; who had lift to earn living abroad, ended up worsening the short-fit, as they inevitably apart from the daily happenings, yet have their voices heard by crippled, short-reach and confused public..!!

    Salaam Sudan.. a Talkative Nation in Times of Productivity..!

  10. حبيبنا الفاضل/ عادل عبدالله، جرمِنا هو "السكوت" سكتنا حتى سقطت ورقة التوت التي تبقت لنا، إسلام "فتح مكة" لا نستطيع تسويقه في يومنا هذا، ليس لأن الإسلام قاصِر، لا بالعكس، لأن الإسلام كامِل، للسابقين أحكام تخصهم، واللاحقون لهم كذا أحكام، لابد... أن نسقط أحكام وننفض الغبار عن أحكام ونقيس ونعمل بالرأي، فقد عطل عمر بن الخطاب آيات صريحة وقاطعة عطل حد السرقة في عام الرمادة، لماذا لم يجرمه أحد من الصحابة؟ لأن هذا هو الإسلام، يقدر الحكم بقدره، حسب الزمان والمكان والعادة والتقليد والعرف، الذي صور فيديو الجلد، صوره وهو ممتلئ بفكرة، مؤمن أن غاية الجلد في مكان عام هو لنشر الخبر، فأحسبه قد صور ما صور وهو يردد "هي لله.. هي لله" وإحتسب فعله عند الله تعالى. الصفوجية من مدعيي الثقافة والعلم تم تدجينهم كما فعلت أنا مع "الفيريزيان" ألا ترى سيدي الفاضل، أن الإنقاذ هي الحكومة الوحيدة التي تكدس حملة الشهادات العليا في سراديق دواوينها الحكومية، ألم تسمع "محمد وردي" وهو يغني للإنقاذ، ألم تقرأ ما كتبه إبراهيم الشوش، مدحًا في الإنقاذ، لعمري فإن مصيبتي في أعلامنا لأكبر مما يفعله بنا العسكر

    Azzam Hassan Farah Mohammad

  11. I totally agree..
    I Like the phrase " الصفوجية "..
    I had stopped following the Sudanese media for many years..!!
    You said it all.. Thanks..
    Sorry, my machine writes English only...!!

  12. بقينا يا "عادل عبدالله" بننجر كلمات من راسنا من كتر الأسى العلينا إنهمر، ومن جانب تاني، أنا من مصلحتي كنوبي (محسي) أبشتن لغة المستعر العربي بنحت مصطلحات مفزلكة، يا زول أكتب بأيتها لغة، بس المهم تكتب.. يسعد صباحك"

    Azzam Hassan Farah Mohammad

  13. Dear abeh Adil I agree with you in all your comments . This is not Islam , this is the ugly, the disfigured and the deformed version of Islam, which the excessive muslims combated very hard to fix it . And this is not Sudan , and these are not Sudanese men we knew nor the sudanese society we arised and grown up among it .

    Iman Mahgoub
