Friday, April 2, 2010

Conditions Precedent

Afore her arrival into my place, vibes of energy and lightness came across.. Then her laughing eyes had introduced her to my wondering mind.. She was moving quickly, as someone continuously catching a deadline.. She never let her smile to fade, nor her pretty eyes to switch off.. Simply she had all the assets to capture any deep-sighted hearty-mind..!!
The few times we met, I could not hide anxiety or interest.. I was at that 2006 sailing with no shores to aim, no target to focus.. She came in, window-shop around, and lift my life in very few rounds.. I doubt if she recalls my name or what I was doing.. A year later, I came to know that got married..!!
When tried to collect back myself, and draw something to hold the life for; it was only a companion to bring sweetness and relaxation to my bored inner self.. I had a mutual friend to meet over lunch.. While cruising the busy streets, a flash blasted in my mind, to call for her help to find a companion.. The only thing to describe my dream princess, was to recommend being a replica of that wonderful young woman with the laughing eyes..
During the course; tales, gossips and snapshots on all friends and colleagues.. I could not let my tongue to release the words I had trained myself for.. Bit embraced, bit hesitant.. Suddenly, she recalled her, and how she feels sorry that she split and about to divorce her husband..!!
She closed the tale with an answer to a never-said-question:
"However; she is now much happier, restored her freshness, content and relaxed personality..”
All my way back, I could not think, I could not tell..
I came back home, check her social page, and kept reading the laughing eyes..
Is life predestined or coincidences..?
As per my belief; it is a conditioned predestined.. So, where am I from those conditions precedent?


  1. Nicely written, kind story, but something is missing for me:
    Where's the brave Prince who goes and fights for his beautiful Princess?
    As a practising princess and the friend of many other princesses I dare say that being an idealized, false illusion is not the role that we'd like to play in the story. We all hope that on the wonderful day when our true and only Prince finds us, he'll be ready to recognize the true Princess in us and this perception will turn him into a brave knight,and he will act and fight for us.
    As a human on my way in the lifelong inner journey, I can say that one of the most tough tasks is to fight with our self-made illusions that prevent us from receiving the Almighty's real gifts which were created only for us with the greatest Love.
    As an extreme optimist I believe that when internal and external conditions are proper, the predestined one arrives and everybody will be able to act according to the required role.
    I hope this story finally gets a genuine and happy ending.
    Warm salam: H.

  2. Thanks a lot for your interesting comments and advices..
    Yes, something big is missing..
    Yes, from time to another; I create fictions to replace the bitter realities.. or to draw the idealistic world; where no need to fight, strive or compete..
    A world with no evils and no negative Karma..
    A world of colorful purity, complacent love, and mysterious infinity..
    Once I got a record of half a century, great turbulences of divine definitions had stamped lots of my inputs and outputs..
    New meaning of “Value of Action”..
    principles of purpose and feasibility..?
    Someone would read my words as escape map from the vulnerability emotions and desires would create..
    Another would read it as Golden Age Crisis..
    Or an Aquarius-man with day dreams.. or illusions..
    Therefore, I could not knock her door, nor allow to be noticed..!!
    Yes, spontaneous actions are the covert magnet for hearts and mind to share the matching chemistry.. Yet, they decline by the years..
    Not cowardice or chicken-heartedness; but excessive caution multiplied by age..!!
    Lately one asked on what am I doing?
    “Avoiding wrong-doings that I shall not have time to recover..!!”
    Simply.. Too tired.. Too lonely..!!

  3. I did not mean to give pieces of advice to you, that's not me. I respect individual ways.
    Only meant to show a point of view. That of a woman whose eyes often served as illusion-makers for men. ('Negative karma'-creating face. But this way becomes the best teacher as well.)
    The word 'fight' in my dictionary means an inner war, against all the games of our mind and soul. All games that prevent us to go on the way of love...
    May sounds familiar: "Only from the heart can you touch the sky."
    While reading your note I thought: 'OK, he can cope with it in his mind, too tired, had many tough experiences, etc.' Then I have read your last shout: 'Too lonely!' Why did you write this? Without it I could have been calm about your decision...made in your head.
    Then it becomes a fight between your 'being tired and cautious' and your 'feeling lonely'.
    I have no 'half a century's' experience behind me, so I have a drawback in wisdom...But I have my naivity, my ever fresh look on the happenings of life, an overwhelming enthusiasm and curiousity for the beauties of life spiced with extravagance. And I possess the Phoenix's power to recover after my falls...How can I transfuse a healthy portion of these to those who need it? To move the souls, because it is our duty as humans, to clear it up...
    One more question: How can you stay unnoticed??? I don't know you personally, but your ideas, your thoughts, your sentences are radiant and a noticeable spirit glows through them! How can a door stay closed in front of you (so that you should knock on it)? How can you hide yourSelf ?
    Salam: H.
