Sunday, December 19, 2010

Us & Them..!!

It is the cultural divide between “Western” hemisphere and “Us”..
I did not refer “Us” as the “Eastern” one, because in the “East” they are almost approaching the same levels of civic excellence and Service philosophies..
It is “Us”, referring to only “Arabs & Africans”, who are mysteriously joined the careless for order, discipline and organization..
Despite the flood of “Military” who repeatedly ruled “Us” for a while, they could not bring order to “Our” culture.. They could not change or teach the people to stand in ques..!!
There is something seriously wrong, yet no one admits, nor explains..!!
You can never blindly heal, unless the illness is defined, medications are just waste of time, money and effort..
This is what is going for decades, with no serious outcomes..
Similarly, while it looks a different subject; everyone is excited about the 9 billion claim, while the same released bundle of Wikileaks talked seriously about the dozens of Sudanese and Eritreans who are abused or killed in their odd migration to Israel.. The Sudanese role in creating and enforcing the Somali Militia, as related to the hijacked T-72 tanks.. The true stand of SPLA on independence issue.. or the Sudanese role in smuggling arms to Hamas and Hizb-o-Allah..
What a heart-ache..!!
I regret being lazy on migration.. when I was fit for..!!

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