Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Where will ISIS attack next in Mozambique?


"ISIS is the Most Disgraceful People; Claiming to be Muslims"

Willshir & Associates Analysts
Rob Hamman

Any place that provides logistical support to them in terms of cash, equipment, and new recruits. 

ISIS has no intention to hold territory at this stage. They know they cannot hold ground. They will build up reserves and need fuel for newly acquired vehicles, weapons, ammunition, and cash. They need recruits.

They will look towards areas where high-value goods can quickly be removed from sites, kept by them, or traded for other items such as weapons and ammunition.
ISIS will go after areas with weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, vehicles, heavy-duty equipment, and food supplies are to be found. This will also include people for new recruits. All above is needed to build up a mobile ISIS group to maintain an insurgency.

ISIS will create well-developed propaganda videos that will be used to recruit and create fear in those that consider crossing lines with the group. In most cases, recruitment is done along the lines of creating fear, and people are forced to join. They do not have a choice. Recruits are quickly taught how to kill and are put into the front lines immediately during attacks to show their commitment and prevent them from turning back on the group they now belong to. 

Currently, they will remain a mobile force on the move; however, sleeper cells will remain present within the population they move through to maintain order and allegiance to them. These elements will be the logistical replenishment groupings and those that provide intelligence on a tactical level back to the central leadership group.

Once the ISIS group has achieved maximum area dominance, then only will they try and hold ground. They will allow the population to continue to move and allow trade between areas they dominate. This will benefit them by allowing their own ISIS members to proceed with the people and move around amongst them and with them. They will also collect taxes from traders using these routes and gather intelligence on areas and roads that continue to function normally.

Hit and run tactics will be the order of the day. Once attacks begin, ISIS elements will move among the fleeing population and utilize the fleeing population to disguise their own fighters' movements towards security forces. Attacks will likely always be multi-pronged achieving maximum chaos.

To defeat ISIS means separating them from the population. This will be the real test and the most challenging task to achieve of all of them.


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