An American entertainment director had named the female dancing imported from the Middle East as “Belly Dancing..” This type of entertainment performed by dancers from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Turkey; was the main show on The Egyptian Theater in New York in 1930th.. Later, in 1950th, the State shut down the theater, banned the performance for its immoral contents..!!
In modern history of the Middle East, long and various controversies were endless; on concepts, purpose and morality of this type of dancing. Amazing collection of bylaws, rulings and codes had been attached to this performance. Banned through Ramadhan, Compulsory belly cover, Professional League, Ultimate ban, or No-role; are some of the debates in Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt in particular. Other Middle Eastern countries have limited contribution in the matter. The performance is commonly performed behind closed doors among female gathering, in occasions or fests. 20 years ago; it had migrated and invaded the western hemisphere; while Indians had extracted some motions into theirs.
It is originally created by the ancient Arab Bedouins in Northern Arabian Peninsula, then migrated to ancient Egypt grooming with their entertainment female dancing that painted on the Pharos walls. The 1st breakthrough was in 1500th Mamlouk palaces, when had been a ritual in their lavish parties and sensational life style. The vast collection of female slaves with their diverse ethnic and culture backgrounds, had created lots of adjustments, additions and harmony to the performance. The 2nd breakthrough was brought by a Lebanese Dancer in Egypt in 1930th, who had set the principle motions and sentences. Later in 1960th, Egypt had witnessed trials to groom the performance with Ballet, which did not had the sufficient enthusiasm.
There are three types of this performance: Belly Dance; which is typically a world known with various schools aims to formalize it. Raqs Sharqi or Oriental Dance; which performed in Turkey and Arab Middle Eastern countries, with traditional schools of performance that limits innovations to costumes. Bedouin Dance or Raqs Baladi in most of MENA region; which is performed among villagers in particular ; and is the most relevant to the origin.
No doubt that it is not permitted among Muslims, despite violations and deviations. This would be in line with other religions which refuse any public expressions of intimacy or sensational appeal.
In modern history of the Middle East, long and various controversies were endless; on concepts, purpose and morality of this type of dancing. Amazing collection of bylaws, rulings and codes had been attached to this performance. Banned through Ramadhan, Compulsory belly cover, Professional League, Ultimate ban, or No-role; are some of the debates in Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt in particular. Other Middle Eastern countries have limited contribution in the matter. The performance is commonly performed behind closed doors among female gathering, in occasions or fests. 20 years ago; it had migrated and invaded the western hemisphere; while Indians had extracted some motions into theirs.
It is originally created by the ancient Arab Bedouins in Northern Arabian Peninsula, then migrated to ancient Egypt grooming with their entertainment female dancing that painted on the Pharos walls. The 1st breakthrough was in 1500th Mamlouk palaces, when had been a ritual in their lavish parties and sensational life style. The vast collection of female slaves with their diverse ethnic and culture backgrounds, had created lots of adjustments, additions and harmony to the performance. The 2nd breakthrough was brought by a Lebanese Dancer in Egypt in 1930th, who had set the principle motions and sentences. Later in 1960th, Egypt had witnessed trials to groom the performance with Ballet, which did not had the sufficient enthusiasm.
There are three types of this performance: Belly Dance; which is typically a world known with various schools aims to formalize it. Raqs Sharqi or Oriental Dance; which performed in Turkey and Arab Middle Eastern countries, with traditional schools of performance that limits innovations to costumes. Bedouin Dance or Raqs Baladi in most of MENA region; which is performed among villagers in particular ; and is the most relevant to the origin.
No doubt that it is not permitted among Muslims, despite violations and deviations. This would be in line with other religions which refuse any public expressions of intimacy or sensational appeal.
Another contradiction of religion and culture - the bedouin dance (bastardised by the West to call it Belly Dancing, like other things - the curry craze in Britain!): originated in the Islamic world, performed and praticed in the Islamic world and now enjoyed by masses all over the world (for good or bad reasons, is a different issue!) - and then you end by saying its not permitted among Muslims? why was/is an art form forbidden and prohibited in Islam? Dont you think it has negative, deep consequences resulting in over exuberance in times of freedom? the mind needs to see, feel and experience before forming a judgement...right???