Friday, February 18, 2011

Republic of Sudan

I'm not sure what will be the name of the Republic of Sudan??
On the coming July, there will be the State of Southern Sudan..
You can’t keep the current name, nor call the lift over: Republic of Northern Sudan, as it includes its Western and Eastern territories as well..!

Because we in Sudan are the most closer, the most affected and the most knowledgeable about Egypt and Egyptian.. Who is in agony never clearly sees, understands or expresses.. We in Sudan chew politics, history and humanitarians like gum.. Yes, we are a failed nation ourselves, yet our potentials are high enough to dream about utopia on earth...!!!

Some would read my comment as praise for our Sudanese case..
I’m not..!!

We are a failed nation as we could not produce a single Statesman.. This is a historical fact.. We had plenty of Politicians, but not a single Statesman.. Our civic service was structured not on Statesmen but on Clerks.. This is what differs Sudan from other ex-British colonies.. This is why Sudan is not conceptually member of the Commonwealth..!

Nations are debated by Politicians, yet sustained by Statesmen.. Despite all Sudanese intellectual production, we could not sustain our country as a nation.. On the contrary in Egypt, despite the repeatedly failed political themes, there is a sustainable nation..

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