Thursday, June 2, 2011

Arab Women 2011..

What in the hell happening to Arab women: Rapped by Gaddafi security in Libya, Forced for virginity test in post-Mubarak Egypt, Locked in detention for driving in Saudi Arabia, Shockingly grieve the like-no-other killings in Syria, Notoriously driven for sectarian-divide in Bahrain, while the Niqabis shunt for “freedom” in Yemen.. These are some of the common images for Arabian women in H1/2011.. Certainly the world is amazed on these hilarious experiences..

The Patriarchic Arabian society had lost the traditional veils; which had historically messed up religious codes with the masculine abusive ones.. Not only had the political and military leaderships been proven barren, but also the ones inside dwellings and houses.. Arabian societies had been broken apart when women became “bread earners” with no recognition or appreciation.. The hidden scarifies and unrecognized sweat of house wives and daughters become critical to maintain family survival and wellbeing.. The typical 15% of work force does not interpret the reality of today’s Arabian women, who still in better position than house maids, Bed-mates and/or Secretaries..!

I’m not such believer in the so-called: “Arabic Spring” or “Arabic Awaking”.. What had been experienced since the martyrdom of Bu-Azizi; was and still series of chaotic and irrational reactions after long political depressions, cultural abuses and diverse domestic torture.. This phenomenon had taken place across the Arab world, and traveled across the Mediterranean as well.. However, it is the legitimate delivery of all intellectual tsunamis that turn over all conventional theories of politics, sociology and media since the destruction of Berlin Wall..

When the international media had echoed the happenings among Arab countries; it was not amazed but surprised.. It was not applauding but assessing.. It was not sure, but examining..! All posting since January 2011 were reflecting political confusion and messy calculations.. All protests were breathes rather than agendas.. All scores were Tsunamis that will leave behind wreckages, debris and causalities.. Tsunami never stays; nor brings any goodness..!!

Will Arab Uprising proves to be more than just a great destructive Tsunami..?

Will Arabian women score any goodness by today’s happenings..?


  1. The men who made sure the presence of women in the street demonstrating for freedom may not welcome the presence of women after in the Parliament, and councils of Government .... One Egyptian woman said that: The men were keen of me to be here when we call for the departure of Mubarak, but now that he is gone, they want me to go home.!!?
    Nidall Aljaouni

  2. I do believe that Arabic back-warding problem is generated and influenced by “Men not women”; despite the fact that women are often the "Guardians" on traditions, folklore and heritage.. Despite the well-known call to develop the communitie...s by developing their women first.. But the current facts tells something quite different.. It seems it is a need to develop “Arabic Men” in first place.. Men are obviously getting further lazy, less-productive and fun-loving..! The general depression had negatively affected the men more than the women.. There is a great need for Arabs to stand scrutinizing their own-selves prior to search for a future.. Otherwise the search will be blind, disarray and desperate..
