Monday, May 30, 2011

Hamzah vs. Bash'aar..!

Certainly, Bash'aar did not order torturing the kid; Hamzah Alkhateeb, nor his lieutenants had overseen his execution.. Yet, Bash'aar carries all responsibility and blames for enforcing this "Cannibal" culture among Syrian security; competing and scoring over Israelis and Fascists and Nazis..!

The Syrian National upraising had evolved from a lawful search for 21st century honorable identity into an ethnic cleansing.. It is well known that Daraa is the urban center among Bedouin Arabs and Palestinian in Southern Syria.. Its proximity with Jordanian border had enabled smuggling various documentaries on what is taking place in iron-fenced Syria.. Yes, many videos were fake, yet many are authentically real as well..

Syrian history is widely controversial since the famous confrontation between Muawiyah and Ali Bin Abi Talib (MAHHF) in 657 AD, where seeds of political greed, deception and misconception had structured the following Umayyad Dynasty; which had ruled the Muslim State till 1031 AD. I believe the very same essence of such corrupt political history had infested the Syrian political system and culture till date. This is the only rationale of such extraordinary, odd and weird practices of Syrian security forces.

Hamzah is the seal to prove how the Syrian political elite are schizophrenic, barbaric and sadist.
The Syrian regime had lost any immunity or legitimacy by 13 years old boy.!/hamza.alshaheeed


  1. Pls; Bash'aar's fans in my list: stay speechless or defriend me..!!

  2. اى شخص فى العالم يشاهد صور هذا الطفل ولا يشعر بالصدمة عليه ان يراجع انسانيته : انا اشعر بصدمة شديد حيال تلك الصور والتقارير الورادة من سوريا
    Oh God, I'm shocked
    Amir Gabir Alnour

  3. شعور بالصدمة والتقزز ، النظام السورى فاق بوحشيته تجاه شعبه وتجاه هذا الطفل اقصى ما يمكن ان يتصوره المرء من وحشية العصور البدائية ، و المقال بالمدونة لمس مواطن هذه الوحشية وجذورها التاريخية ، تحياتى وتقديرى الكبير اخى عادل
    Mohamed Ayoub Fadlallah

  4. Culture and political mind set are never apart from history, geography and sociology.. Most of scholars “ignore” the roots of current issues; which distant solutions from public consensus.. Controversies in humanitarian studies are either e...mbracing or mind-aching to address.. It is not only Syria, but all Arabs in general.. In beloved Sudan; we are simply torn between the overwhelming-sentimental Arabic culture and the must-pragmatic African one.. Pity..!

  5. After the appearance of the video showing the killing of the child, the Syrian security arrested his father and threatened to kill the other his children if it does not declare that the killers of the child are armed gangs those who support...ed by America, Britain and Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Turkey? These gangs, which are found in all cities, towns and villages of Syria? So don't be surprised if you watch this closely on TV.See More
    Nidall Aljaouni

  6. في العودة إلى قريتهم من رحلة أو سيران
    لم يداهمه وحش كاسر
    لم ينقلب به مركب ولم يعثروا عليه على أحد الشطآن الغريبة
    لم تفتك به حيتان البحر ولا أسماك القرش
    لم يسقط من أرجوحة في مدينة الألعاب الكهرب...ائية
    لم تتحطم به طائرة بعد الإقلاع نتيجة عطل فني
    لم ينفرد به هارب من مشفى المجانين، ولم يقع تحت سطوة رجل سادي منحرف
    إذا، يا معلميه، ويا كتبه ودفاتره وأقلامه ويا رفاق طفولته، عليكم أنتم أن تعرفو من أين أتى له كل هذا
    أما أنتم أيها الأطفال، فاحملوه في قلوبكم وعقولكم وتناقلو سيرته من جيل إلى جيل
    لا تطلبو من المصانع أن تطبع صورته على صدور قمصانكم لأنهم سيقتلونه فيكم وسيقتلونكم فيه آلاف وآلاف المرات
    يا لفضيحتك أيتها الإنسانية!
    أن تكتفي بالعرض ونظرة الأسى
    إن دماءه في رقبتك إلى يوم الدين...
    by: Fatima al nizamy
    Nidall Aljaouni

  7. “No Cave to Hide within..” This is the message all “Tyrant Rulers” are getting.. Our fate is no longer determined in the closed doors of “G8 or G20” but in the open Squares and Malls, from Magnolia to Brasilia.. Thanks for Bu-Azizi, whose martyrdom had drawn the new future..
