Sunday, March 3, 2019


Image result for einstein iq is 160

The bell curve is very much associated with intelligence quotient to draw a factual profile of what a person is capable for.. 

It is not a mind game, but a mind scan.. 

While it is an asset in recruitment, placement and career development in the industrial world; it is still a joke with ill-perceptions in the 3rd world (or correctly the underworld).. 

Despite the critiques and skeptics, so far its results are proven correct in any human activities.. 

Usually it is taken for applications in pre-collage stages; to help choosing the appropriate study domains for the student.. 

During the early employment; it select the right candidates for the adequate roles and responsibilities.. Later, throughout employment; it helps identifying who leads, who performs, and who should be sacked..!

Applied psychology is the backbone of modern management..

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