This girl is named Fatima Eid Sweilm, from a village in Mansoura governorate, orphaned by the parents, raised by her aunt, who had no children. When she grew up and became of marriageable age, a young man from the village proposed to her, but his mother refused because the girl was an orphan and she was not a bachelor. The girl was moved, and she went to the village mayor, hoping that he should be her agent when she contracted her marriage, so he made fun of her. I went to the sheriff of the center too, and he refused. She wrote to Gamal Abdel Nasser explaining her story to him, begging him to ask the mayor to be her guardian. It was the habit of the late President Nasser to read himself the messages he gets from the people, and ask his personal secretary Mahmoud Al-Jiyar to solve any problem. But when he read Fatima's letter, he called the governor of Mansoura, and asked him to go to the village where the girl lives, and take with him a number of personalities.... Nasser then called the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and asked him to come to the presidential palace that morning. At noon prayers, Nasser, Sheikh al-Azhar and Mahmoud al-Jiyar were in front of the mayor's house. Nasser personally asked the mayor to go and bring the girl, her fiancé and his mother. And Nasser stood up and said to the young man I am fatima's agent and guardian, will she accept her marriage? Her marriage was held by Agent Abdul Nasser, the two witnesses Mahmoud al-Jiyar and the governor of Mansoura, and the authorized Sheikh al-Azhar. Is there any reparation that any of the Arab rulers did, as Nasser did when he forced an orphan girl? (Acting)
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