Sunday, May 1, 2022

Egypt Tour 2022 - 1sr Round


The above is a typical scene of Cairo's congested districts; whereas some housing apartments are nor occupied, nor provided by finishing; such as windows and doors. These are in property market with label: Unfinished. While others are already finished and occupied. Certainly, this is an odd scene which categorically defines and describe the real estate sector as Chaotic..

During my tour within few parts of the ever-evolving metropolis, I could observe few critical elements that had created the seed of the spreading sense of chaos and disintegration.


For my surprise, I cam to understand that all government owned properties (and the transferred to others) are not listed or registered in a bankable legal format.. Meaning; no Title Deeds are there, but a certification from the Public Notary. It was surprising that Egypt and most of the Middle Eastern countries had been under the Ottoman role for few centuries; which had accustomed to the Tabo system; that was an advanced replica for title deeds; which still in practice in most of these countries. Such absent document would allow the notorious forcible land pooling by state, and cripple the standard long term real estate funding and investment procedures.


There are many innovative tools of Land Management; which are continuously evolve with apparent aim to suppress the commons from civic upgrading while preserving the red tapes among the social layers and communities. There are wired mortgage scheme that are brilliant to evaporate the accumulative funds low-incomer would pay for their houses; when contracts validity is provoked. Also, the instable currency value had added to the misery when the proposed saving dramatically reduced.


To reduce the traffic congestion, the municipal authorities had fallen in the typical trap: adding Lanes, widen Roads and construct Flyovers. The resultant starts with increased road fatality due to challenges to cross roads that are full off many speeding vehicles. It is obvious that planner did not considered the pedestrian or balance of facilities within the super blocks. Although not confirmed; rumors tell that these traffic solutions were meant to enable the security forces for fast move and deployment within the city. 


All hallmarks of failed Arabic system of government are crystal clear for observers. These are proven within the key governing structure: Administration, Legal and Financial. Of course, both demographic and social complexities magnify he phenomenon; which is echoed across the Arabic speaking nations. Some of them hysterically deny the Egyptian influences and exports to their culture and moral models; e.g., Sudan and Jordan. However, the countries with excessive expat workforce show healthier performance of civil order.


Cycle of Role between military and civil establishments become shorter and more fluid; while the serious public engagement is more weaker or frustrated; due to the increasing disarray of substantial cores and principles of good government.


The commercialization of the armed forces becomes unique among the Middle Eastern nations. This Asian Marxist model had evolved into phenomenon that other surrounding countries are examining, e.g., Sudan and Ethiopia. The capacities, resources and order that military has had encouraged to engage them in the nation-wide development, infrastructure and food security. Yet, the apatite of people in the uniform had allowed them to go into profit generation programs and projects; which had made them players in the national economy. In absence of good governance, the hard boots had walked into all aspects of live, and become game-changers with their own disciplines and envision of what to be done.

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