Thursday, May 12, 2022

Egypt Tour 2022 - 2nd Round

A Tale of Two Schools

In recent governmental statistics, the formal consensus had shown more than 80% of Egyptian households survive on only EGP 5,750 a month (US$ 310); while the 2022 average cost of living as per is staggering TEN folds, including rent. The Formal number describe the 80% of the population, while the other Estimate represents the other 20%. Between the two numbers, lays the Egypt of 2022.

The image above is what I was watching everyday from my residence; a two neighboring schools; a public and a private-owned one. It is not difficult to breakdown the earning groups of Egypt as per (spoken or hidden) socioeconomic partitions. The cheap-tuition-fees of Public schools welcome around 80% of the pupils, while the costlier Private school host around 15% , and the (unreachable) International schools serve less than 5%. To put these percentages into 2020 numbers, it is a gross of 24.4 million pupils excluding 1.9 millions enrolling to religious education of AlAzhar.

Simply, the 102 million population can be subdivided into main three main groups; the Commons, the Upper-Middle class and the (hidden) Oligarch. These respectively represent the following households of 16.0, 3.0 and 1.0 millions. The urban analysis would describe the dilemma the 2022 urban developments confront during the last few years. Demand descended and notably reduced; despite the lavish campaigns to attract the buyers. Simply; who can buy; had already bought; and who can't; aren't eligible for mortgage schemes. Egypt rapidly evolves into the historically-famous 5% controlling patch, representing top Businessmen, Oligarch, High-ranked Civil & Military, Opportunists and Competitors with strong professional or social credits. Notably, this 5% had increased the 30 years-typical urban fertility rate from 2-3 to 3-5 children during the last 5 years.

The 2nd generation of Tech-Savvy-Millennia had already made hallmarks across the country and neighboring Arabic Speaking. They strongly handle Digital Marketing, Sales, Contents  and CRM applications. This generation is different from both predecessors (programmers) and successors (data practitioners); whereas they had voluntarily master their (informal) professional knowledge by investing time and effort with peers' tips on trial and errors theme. They spread the term freelancing and remote-working; which had triggered new trend of Wi-Fi-enabled cafes to host them as co-work places. Therefore; Retail and F&B prices had sky-rocketed high with these high-earner-young customers; who would happily pay more than US$ 20 for a couple of fun-hours. Yet, both generation and trend are not sustainable for more than 5 years ahead. A Cycle of market Demand/Wants.

The 1st generation of Tech-Savvy-Millennia were graduates from IT conventional training, where they had mastered programming, and became remarkably famous in interpreting the software into Arabic interface, and still do. The ready-to-go 3rd generation of Tech-Savvy-Millennia are much focus on ITC applications and Data Science; which are evolving fast as critical component of modern economy, management and operations. The mast-accreditation had formalize the profession and made it the mast-inputs and ingredients of marketing and sales. The timeline for this 3rd generation is drawn by gaining strong experience and stable strength to drive the overall Tech-Savvy economy and market. Notably; the government encourages the move. Nevertheless, these energetic young men and women are eying the older generation with thirst for their monetary and fashionable style of life. An Egyptian historical trend of jumping across the social ladder.

Back to the Two Schools.. One will produce the common literate personnel in all aspects of living, while the other will produce the upper middle class householders. observing the attitudes, attire and activities of the pupils will draw the mainstream social mapping of the country. Pupils' behaviors of lettering, emotional expressions and fashions; along with Schools' architecture, courtyards and staff; picturize lots about the global paradoxes of education and upbringing the new generations. Certainly; it is sharply obvious and alarming within the developing countries, whereas public funds of education is no more than 4%, while deficiencies of teachers, materials and facilities are hard to recover.


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