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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Paradox of Sudan
I Understand the inevitable decline of traditional social ethics against growing urbanism.. This is hard to control or to resist.. It is a worldly phenomenon everywhere.. In Sudan we –as usual- enjoy both extremes, Urbanism and Rusticity, living and evolving together.. Therefore, we respond to "Nafeer" "Saiha" " Nadba" on a manner would amaze who observes.. Yet; we ONLY exercise the awful urban negatives back home.. We don't accompany them abroad; where we normally shield ourselves by recalling distinctions of traditions and moralities.. Abroad, we hold tight our national belonging, patriotic identity, and folkloric dress, along exercising relevant modernity.. Worldwide, all expats and ghettos would do the same.. Yet, in occasions of duty, chivalry or distress; Only the Sudanese would forget all attributes of urbanism, and act without hesitation as rural or nomad.. This would include; unpaid extra hours, shyness to demand benefits and faithfulness without borders..!!
It is the Paradox of Sudan..!
As a dear Sudanese Friend said:
"Worldwide, it is just so comfortable and safe to know that there are some Sudanese around..."
It can work as a national upraising slogan, to restore spirit, fitness and energy for the future..!!
From: GAFFAR GAILANI; gailani90@yahoo.com
يومها تمنيت لو كنت سوداني
حكي احد الكويتين فقال كنت واسرتي قادمين بالسيارة من الكويت في طريقنا لاداء العمرة فبنشر كفر السيارة فوقفت الي جانب الطريق السريع لتغييره ولكن للأسف وجدت الكفر الاسبير فارغا من الهواء فاسقط في يدي. كان الحر شديد وانا اقف خارج السيارة والعرق يتصبب مني وانا استوقف السيارات ولكنها كانت تعبرني. استمر هذا الوضع لمدة ثلاث ساعات مما اشعرني بالحنق واليأس. ثم رايت احدهم يلوح لي و...يصيح من الجانب الاخر المعاكس فقطعت الطريق رغم خطورته وذهبت لمقابلته عند السياج الفاصل بين المسارين. وجدته احد الاخوة السودانيين واعتذر لانه لايستطيع الوصول الي لان السياج يمنعه. وبعد ان اخبرته ان الناس لايقفون خلع عمامته من رأسه وقال لي اخلع عقالك من رأسك وحاول لف هذه العمامة في رأسك بطريقة فسيقف لك السودانيون وظل يعلمني كيف البسها فاخذت عمامته والقيتها علي ظهر سيارتي وواصلت الوقوف والتلويح لساعتين اخريين ولكن لااحد يكترث لي ومن يأسي قلت لماذا لا اجرب طريقة السوداني رغم عدم اقتناعي بها فلففت العمامه في رأسي وبعد عشر دقاىق وقف بجانبي احد السودانيين ثم اخر ثم اخر حتي وصلوا الي خمسة وبعضهم ترافقهم اسرهم كان كل منهم يحضر اسبيره ويطابقه مع سيارتي فلايتطابق ورغم هذا يظل واقفا ولايذهب وفي الانتظار تبادلوا العصائر والمياه مع اولادي ومع بعضهم البعض كانهم متعارفين منذ سنوات وحتي زوجتي اخذتها واحده من السودانيات الي سيارتهم. وعندما وصلت السيارة السادسه تطابق الكفر مع سيارتي وبعدها رافقتني السيارات اكثر من خمسين كلم حتي وجدنا احد البناشر فاصلحنا الكفرات وبعدها ودعوا بعضهم وذهبو قال الكويتي يومها أوشكت ان ابكي وتمنيت لو كنت سودانيا..
That day I wished I was a Sudanese
A Kuwaiti narrated: "While was driving with my family; from Kuwait on our way to perform Umrah; suddenly; I had a flat tire.. I parked on the side of the highway to change it, but unfortunately I found my spare one was flat as well. Helplessly, in a very hot weather; I stood sweating and waving the passing cars for help.. Yet, no one responded for long time, doubling my grievance and despair. Then; I saw someone waving to me and shouting asking the matter from the opposite other side.. I corss the danger road, and met him on the midisland. Across the fence, I had explained to him my agony.. He was a Sudanese man with his family, driving to the opposite direction.. He apologized as he could not cross to offer help because of the fence.. I told him how people ignored me.. Then he removed his Sudanese Turban from his head, gave it to me and asked me to try wrapping this turban in my head.. Then some other Sudanese driver will certainly stop by to help.. Once he lift; I put aside his Turban and continued to wave for help, but nobody cared o respond.. Then I wondered; why not I try the Sudanese trick.. With no conviction I warped the Turban on my head.. Within few minutes, a Sudanese family stopped by, then another and then another till they became five vehicles.. While they try to match their spare tires to mine, their families comfort mine, offering juices, fruits and water.. I was amazed how they acted with me and my family as if we were friends for long.. Thankfully, the sixth car had a matching spare, which was fixed.. Then we all drove for 50 km till the next service station.. All the six Sudanese families in their cars had followed me.. Once everything was fixed, they shacked my hand and drove away with big smiles.. That day I was about to cry, wishing if I was a Sudanese.."
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