Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Titanic Phenomenon..

The complex history of Mankind and the concurrent yet confusing trends, had created paralyzed generations, which would never stand up, for serious and rational endeavors. The loud falsely claims of change, the fierce arguments of eligibility and smiling wishes for good for all; are the topics that fill all publications, media and social networking. Yes, as per the democratic inspiration, visions and policies would be extracted from open debates and pragmatic arguments between advocates and opponents. But many people forget, that such intellectual practice should initially grant equal or similar capacities, otherwise someone would only see the tip of the iceberg, making it the whole case, while mastering the tools of presentation and advocacy.. Then, the unpredicted, surprising and unrecoverable disaster would happen.. I do call this: The Titanic Phenomenon..

Unfortunately, it is the spreading phenomenon throughout the world, apart from the G12..!! Why? They practically have the Bell Syndrome operational for decades, yes; leading to hierarchical segregations, yet sustaining roles and reasonable participations.. Then, those G12 became what they are, while the rest wondering why? Certainly, Democracy is meant and would base the common goodness, yet few of controlled information, hierarchical decisions and covert operations would secure that goodness, whenever needed. The fierce fight between Media and Governments are the proof, as media professional see their obligation to uncover everything, while public servants know that the public is not interested to know everything.. Simply, they follow the theory of Natural Curve, which works. Introducing quality controls is the focus of the monitoring legislators, as good governance tools would replace the need for investigating addiction of public media.

I can predict that Governance would replace Democracy, sometime in the future..!! Maybe, this the nightmare for all Media guys..!!

Both underdeveloped and newly named developing countries are still in search for epistemic framework to manage their developing process. Over-valuing of public participation, unjustified introduction of unnecessary debates, and inability to draw targets from such intellectual anarchy; are just few examples of the so called democratic practice. No one would debate that Media is in control within these shallow communities, where people have minimum or lower education, same for wages, and their main interest is to survive.. Not more than 5% of these communities are sharing the democratic process, which is more of a fashion than a rooted evolution. Yet commons are more and conclusively interested in Sports Sections, Drama Queens and Cyber Chat. Many of smart media applications are drawn on attracting psychological attentions, and new opportunities of fortunes are overwhelmingly granted. Thanks to communications revolution and open source of broadcasting..!!

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