Sunday, November 17, 2013

London and Fog

Many years ago, when I was an active teenager, I had suddenly discovered the beauty of "Gray Clouds"..! That was in a winter time of Cairo 1972: the birth of my "London" dream..! I had attempted to study, travel and settle, but these were too big dreams for a Sudanese teenager.. Decades later, I was able to serious pursue.. inshaallah

Along the years, more reasons and rationales had made me attached to this Megapolis.. Not on the urbanity I realized later, but those features synonymous to it
Yes, Gray and Dark, which had made many migrants and few native depressed..
Yes, Wet and Unpredictable that made outdoor planning a controversy..
Yes, Downtown is Old and Tight, which is not accustomed to private cars..

Maybe, because my "Black" genes make my eyes sensitive to brightness.. I feel more fresh, alert and awake at the "Gray" scenes..
However; undoubtedly, colors and shades are more visible and meaningful at Cloudy rather than Sunny landscapes..

Cold and Wet weather had enforced better build solutions, which inevitably developed different courses of economic, industrial and business growth.. Enforcing inventions and innovations that are based on forensic and empirical referrals..

Similarly, the Cold and Wet offer no opportunity for laziness or relaxation.. Therefore, Britishness is about being prepared, walking fast, and embracing order.. These qualities had accustomed the mindset and intellectual foundation of both society and individuals.. Communal necessities are shared or granted for active citizens, in order to sustain the performance of the national capitalist setup..

There are great differences between the British in-migration policies and the other "conceptual" European ones, particularly the "open" French..

Early British adventures around the world had developed early concepts of compulsory engagement and discretional vulnerability.. This how the Britishness became a cultural concept, still rejected by EDL and others.. People of Roman, Spanish and Russian heritage were the early to mix on the ground, followed by Caribbean, Indian and Americas.. The key is the bilateral defuse and melt rather than protectionism.. Also, these are the traps which had produced "Ghettos" within UK landscape..


The famous Turkish writer Mehamet Muratilden had said:
"London and Fog; when these two come together; it is time to be a Writer.."
The time he spent studying in UK, had continued to live with him..!!

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